Leo’s Secret Sex Wish

The scandalous thing every Leo secretly craves in bed…

The Leo lover may not mind videotaping the lovemaking, but a more reticent partner may balk at the idea! A strategically placed mirror (or two) can achieve a similar effect, providing opportunities for both of you to share the excitement from various vantage points.

Leos are perfectionists in anything they consider worth doing (including love), and they are the masters of long sessions of languorous, sensuous, romantic loving. They also want partners that give as good as they get, and if lightning strikes, so much the better!

Are You Confident Enough, Leo?

Leos don’t lack confidence, do they? You may need work…

No one would ever accuse Leo of being a pushover. Quite the opposite. Your fixed sign means you can’t be pushed at all, unless it’s something you want to do anyway. You have no problem being assertive in the workplace, which is fine up to a point. Just take care that it doesn’t turn into impatience or aggression.

A little roaring goes a long way at the office! Anyone who knows you will assign the repetitive tasks to someone else and let you make the presentations to the higher-ups. That’s where you’ll shine!

Are You Too Risky with Money, Leo?

How to keep impulse spending under wraps…

It takes lots of money to support you in the style to which you’ve grown (or want to grow) accustomed. Nothing is too good for you, and you’ll spare no expense to buy what you need or want. Not only do you spend with abandon on yourself but you’re also generous with loved ones. Someone has only to mention a bauble and you’re off to buy it for him or her.

Your blind spot is in not seeing deception in others, especially flatterers. A clever fraudster need only stroke your leonine ego and soon you’re writing a check for beachfront property in Nebraska! Be careful.

Do You Take, But Never Give, Leo?

Avoid this big Leo work blunder…

Leo is outgoing and popular. You’re happy when, like your ruler Sun, the world revolves around you. A peerless socializer, you can always find the right people to help you finish a project or get a job, promotion, or raise. You have knowledge and advice to spare, and you love it when people come to you for guidance. You motivate them, and they admire your impeccable ethics and integrity.

Remember that it’s a two-way street. Listen respectfully to alternate opinions or if someone questions your ideas. You might learn something. Share the workload and the credit and everybody wins!

Winning Over a Leo

The fiercest sign is hard to tame, but you can this way…

Few signs are as generous as Leo. This sunny hedonist has no need of a rainy day fund, because every cent goes toward living life to the fullest. No desired item is too costly, whether it’s for the Lion or a partner.

If you’re on the receiving end of a stream of gifts—from the silly to the extravagant dinners, theater tickets, and more—then you’ve discovered one of the ways Leo shows love. Your profound appreciation and lavish praise of the gifts (and giver) will secure Leo’s heart!

Leo Personality

A Leo personality is regal by nature and shows this to anyone and everyone. Leos enjoy the finer things in life and like to lavish the same on those they love. If they’re going to part with their hard-earned money, then they will make sure that it’s on the best of the best. The good news is that this applies not just to themselves, but also to those in their inner circle.

Every Lion needs its pride and Leo is no exception. This zodiac sign thrives in social situations and are among the most gregarious of all the signs. They know more jokes than a comedian and have so many funny stories that you will come to question if they’re all true.

This sign loves being the center of the spotlight and rubs elbows with all the right people. A Leo personality is so to-the-point and frank that many struggle not to fall in love with them.

How to Seduce a Leo

When it comes to seducing a Leo, remember that they typically like to make the first move. This doesn’t mean you can’t take action yourself, but there are two ways to approach this seductive game.

The first, is just that: Make it a game. A Lion likes the hunt and enjoys playing with its food before eating it. Make eyes with them from across the room and give a like smirk while turning away. They won’t be able to take a decent catch potentially getting away; it will whet their appetite to the fullest and make them think that coming after you was all their own idea.

The second, is by being direct but still letting them lead. Leo will appreciate your boldness. In fact, it will turn them on. Think of coming out with something that is both seductive and complimentary. They cannot resist someone who’s willing to lavish them with compliments and who will instantly be entertained.

On the flipside, a surefire way to repel a Leo is to use other people in your pursuit. They don’t share well and will lose interest once they see you’re not willing to show them the eyes you’ve got for them.

Leo Psychic Traits

Leo tends to develop their psychic abilities through the heart and when they allow the heart to lead, they will often have a strong sense of what’s to come. As natural empaths, Leo can pick up on the emotions and feelings of people, spaces and situations without needing much at all to go on. This can prove super difficult for Leo as they will be prone to feeling many emotions without understanding where they are coming from. If they mistake them as their own, it can sometimes feel as though they’re going a little crazy but those who learn to work with these gifts will be able to separate what is theirs from what is someone else’s.

Additionally, Leos are gifted with their undeniable body intuition. Their gut can be their strongest intuitive instinct to follow when moving through this life. They take risks, but unlike Aries—who tends to leap without any thinking—Leo taps into their inner knowing and just “knows” by what their gut tells them just when it’s time to leap.

Leo Career Strengths

Completely Natural: Confident and able to keep a conversation with just about anyone, Leo is a natural in any setting you put them in. They can talk with the CEOs with as much ease as if they were talking to the janitors.

Funny: They can crack a joke that most people would get in trouble for. But when Leo says it, you’ll double over laughing.

Leader: Leo’s ability to walk into a room like they own the place also makes them a natural in owning their own business or taking internal management roles. Any interview or audition they may find themselves in, they’ll make a killing.

Successful: Leo needs to surround themselves with those who are rich, powerful, and have a major influence.

Popular: Regardless of their chosen career, Leo will be the center of attention and an instant hit at the office thanks to their warm and gregarious personality.

“The Best”: Because social status and glamour are so important to Leo, they will excel in any field that gives them access to the best of the best. Even if they’re simply a receptionist at one of the top companies in the metro area (and trust me, they’ve got designs on how to get their way to the top), they will be dressed to the nines and have the part down.

Leo Worst Careers

Lots of hard work and very little praise? A career ladder they’re at the bottom of and rules to follow? Sounds like a slow and exhausting nightmare for this sign. Here are the worst jobs a Leo could go for:

Corporate or Office Job: Becoming a big shot on Wall Street may be some people’s idea of a dream job, but not for a Leo. Unless they can come right out of college right at the tippy, tippy top of the corporation ladder, they’re not interested.

Professional Athlete: Leo loves competition, sure. And professional athletes get lots of attention; there is no doubt about it. So, you would think that being one would be right up Leo’s alley. Unfortunately, unless they’re the star athlete on the starting line they’re likely on the sidelines, sulking. If there is a place where the pecking order is even worse than corporate America, it’s professional sports.

First Responder: First responders in the fire or police force are among the greatest, bravest and most selfless individuals in the world. While Leo may fit the bill on a few of these, rest assured that selfless ain’t one of them.