This Libra Is One Hot Grandma!

This Libra may be the world’s hottest grandmother…

Think of Susan Sarandon (star of Bull Durham and a gazillion other movies) and the word “grandmother” doesn’t come immediately to mind. But that’s exactly what she is—not only in real life to Eva Amurri’s little girl, but also on the big screen!

Libras are romantic, intelligent, and idealistic, and Susan has those in spades. Charming on the outside, she hides a strong inner core. And, like others of this Venus-ruled sign, she’s a good listener who can make others smile and feel valued. All extremely useful qualities for a grandmother! The hardest part of parenting? “Letting them make mistakes.” The payoff? “Knowing they’re going to be fine!” Wise words to pass along to the next generation!

What Can’t This Libra Do?

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to appreciate this Libra!

Not all the stars are in Hollywood, and astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson has done his best to introduce as many as he can to the world! Growing up, he was a big fan of Carl Sagan, and he fondly remembers when Dr. Sagan tried to recruit him to Cornell. Tyson went to Harvard instead, but he followed in Sagan’s footsteps as host of Fox’s Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey.

Like all Libras, he wears many hats. A college wrestler, rower, and dancer (winner of a national Latin ballroom competition), today he’s a research scientist, author, and collector of fine wines. With Libran good humor he’s taken the flak for downgrading Pluto from planetary status. He takes controversy in stride, “you’ve got to be so deeply in love with your subject that when curve balls are thrown, when hurdles are put in place, you’ve got the energy to overcome them.”

Who’s That (Libra) Girl?

This Libra does not disappoint…

Betty Who (aka Jessica Anne Newham) is on track to be the next pop icon. Who? Who! This Aussie’s song “Somebody Loves You” went viral as the soundtrack to a video of a gay couple getting engaged in a Salt Lake City Home Depot. The response so shocked the Libra singer/songwriter it made her cry. Even better? She sang at the guys’ wedding! Now who’s crying?

The multitalented six-foot-one, platinum-haired musician started playing cello at age four, and then taught herself to play the piano and guitar. But this is no rock ‘n roll wild child, just an incredibly talented musician.

The Most Hated Libra Celeb?

All this Libra celeb wants is peace, love, and understanding!

There’s a pattern with Libra celebs—they all seem to excel at a million things all at once! And Gwyneth Paltrow is no exception. Academy Award-winning actor, singer, food writer and TV show host, author, the face of Estée Lauder perfumes, singer, mom, and face of Goop—the only thing she hasn’t quite perfected yet is the sort of lifelong marriage that her parents, Blythe Danner and Bruce Paltrow, enjoyed.

But could anyone but a Libra have come up with “conscious uncoupling” as a way to split from a mate? That’s how Gwyneth described her separation from Coldplay frontman Chris Martin. It reflects this sign’s love of peace, harmony, and fairness. With luck, it will all balance out with her new partner, Brad Falchuk.

Quotable Libras

Wise words from famous Libras…

“Only idiots refuse to change their minds.” – Brigitte Bardot

“Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” – Truman Capote

“I see science literacy as a kind of a vaccine against charlatans who would try to exploit your ignorance.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson

“It is not wise to violate rules until you know how to observe them.” – T.S. Eliot

“The most important thing in life is, if you have a dream, I mean a real good dream, follow it.” – Evel Knievel

“The mark of a great sportsman is not how good they are at their best but how good they are at their worst.” – Martina Navratilova

“One should always be a little improbable.” – Oscar Wilde

Libra’s Secret Work Advantage

Use your exemplary people skills in a new, beneficial way…

Some people take seminars in order to learn how to get along with bosses and co-workers (and still never get it right), but not you! Your people skills are unmatched. You could sell air conditioners to polar bears in winter.

You avoid water-cooler politics like the plague. Your collection of colleagues, associates, friends, and acquaintances grows by the minute. When the job market is weak and you have to look for work, know that you’re sitting on a gold mine. Don’t be shy about name-dropping, schmoozing, and using every connection you have to reach your career goals.

Mix Business With Pleasure, Libra

Take your personal values to work to be a major success!

You react and relate to the world around you with fairness, diplomacy, and small-d democracy. Your refined aesthetic sense governs the way you live. The actual work you do matters less to you than what you can learn from the decisions you make. These values are an indisputable part of you—and they color your work and private life whether you realize it or not. If your job aligns with your value system, you likely feel fulfilled and unstressed. If not, you might want to look elsewhere.

Libra’s Key to Success

How Libras can support their lifestyle by freelancing…

Is your love of luxury putting a bit of a strain on the pocketbook? If you’re indulging in a few too many haute meals and sparkly baubles, maybe it’s time to boost your earnings.

Perhaps you excel at editing, accounting, art, or music. You might be able to put those talents to work and moonlight as a freelance teacher, CPA, or copy editor.

If you’re ready to make a start, check your chart first. Don’t launch a business or new moneymaking venture if your ruler Venus is retrograde. Otherwise, give it a try!

How to Work and Play, Libra Style

How to balance your work and life, and have more fun, too!

Nothing would make you happier than balancing your work with your personal life. You have Scales for a symbol after all! You crave a workplace that is bright, uncluttered, and intellectually stimulating. Boredom is a big no-no!

But your social life is vitally important to you, too. And with Venus as your ruler, you also love your creature comforts and beautiful surroundings. You need a job that challenges you yet also leaves you enough time to nurture your relationships. Find that perfect sweet spot and you’ll be one happy camper!

Move Up the Work Ladder, Libra

How Libras can avoid getting stuck in mediocre work positions…

If you’ve been low on the career ladder long enough, have faith. You know what it takes to get the job done. Your rapport with your co-workers is indisputable. You can run a meeting like clockwork. You consider all points of view. If work were a sports team, you’d be MVP!

Perhaps you’re managerial material? Know that being the boss means you’ll make some people unhappy. You’ll have to settle disputes and defuse conflicts, make decisions on the fly and accept the praise or blame for the results. Are you ready?