Lessen Libra Headaches

Ease tension and aches with this tip just for Libra…

It takes a lot of brain power to keep everything in balance. Seeing all sides to every issue can wreak havoc on your head! When you get a headache, your brain is too busy reacting to stimuli, like sounds, to think straight. The best way to deal with the head throbbing is to keep it from starting. Know your triggers, drink plenty of water, and practice deep breathing. If a tension headache sneaks up on you, try to relieve it without meds. Try taking a walk or watching a movie (no explosion-filled blockbuster, please) to take your mind off the discomfort.

Libra’s Key to Success

How Libras can support their lifestyle by freelancing…

Is your love of luxury putting a bit of a strain on the pocketbook? If you’re indulging in a few too many haute meals and sparkly baubles, maybe it’s time to boost your earnings.

Perhaps you excel at editing, accounting, art, or music. You might be able to put those talents to work and moonlight as a freelance teacher, CPA, or copy editor.

If you’re ready to make a start, check your chart first. Don’t launch a business or new moneymaking venture if your ruler Venus is retrograde. Otherwise, give it a try!

How to Work and Play, Libra Style

How to balance your work and life, and have more fun, too!

Nothing would make you happier than balancing your work with your personal life. You have Scales for a symbol after all! You crave a workplace that is bright, uncluttered, and intellectually stimulating. Boredom is a big no-no!

But your social life is vitally important to you, too. And with Venus as your ruler, you also love your creature comforts and beautiful surroundings. You need a job that challenges you yet also leaves you enough time to nurture your relationships. Find that perfect sweet spot and you’ll be one happy camper!

Move Up the Work Ladder, Libra

How Libras can avoid getting stuck in mediocre work positions…

If you’ve been low on the career ladder long enough, have faith. You know what it takes to get the job done. Your rapport with your co-workers is indisputable. You can run a meeting like clockwork. You consider all points of view. If work were a sports team, you’d be MVP!

Perhaps you’re managerial material? Know that being the boss means you’ll make some people unhappy. You’ll have to settle disputes and defuse conflicts, make decisions on the fly and accept the praise or blame for the results. Are you ready?

Libra Memory Boosters

Tricks Libras can use to improve their memory…

Air sign Libra’s brain is your pride and joy. But information overload could be sapping your memory. Forget where you parked your car? Can’t remember your bicycle lock’s combination? And just what is the name of that hottie you met last week?

No, you aren’t getting old or losing your marbles. Depending on smart phones, GPS, and wikis for all that data we used to remember makes your brain lazy! But you can do something about it. Memory boosters include coffee, exercise, squishy stress balls, and omega-3s. If you can remember all that, you can strengthen your mental muscle!

Be More Touchable, Libra

Ways to make your body glow with a sexy, welcoming allure…

There’s nothing like a pair of shapely arms—the better to hold your beloved, no? You love to walk, but change it up now and then. Tone up your guns and build a bit of upper body strength by swinging kettle bells, doing some yoga, or pumping out a few old-school push-ups (no equipment necessary).

Give your triceps, biceps, and even wrists and hands a workout. Get some professional coaching if you’re a newbie, and look for inspiration—how about fellow Libra Serena Williams? Slowly increase the effort and you’ll see beautiful results in no time.

Don’t Feel Blue—Wear It, Libra!

Chase away a case of the blues by wearing this color…

When most people say they’re feeling “blue” they mean they feel sad. But for you, the color makes you happy. It brings you peace and calms your soul. If you’re feeling stressed, take some deep breaths under a cloudless blue sky or near a serene azure lake. Paint your bedroom walls robin’s egg blue to encourage restful sleep.Spruce up your wardrobe with a variety of hues from cobalt to aqua—they harmonize with practically everything. (What doesn’t go with denim?) For punch, add a flash of pink, red, or yellow and feel like a million bucks.

How to Show Off Your Libra Style

How Libras can flaunt their looks without being snobby…

You prefer clothing that is attractive, well made, and quietly elegant. The Libra woman gravitates to feminine dresses. Floral patterns and lace? Bring ‘em on! You rock in soft shades of blue, pink, yellow, lavender, or green.

You love balance, so complement that outfit with appropriate accessories. Colorful footwear, a subtly trendy skirt, and a tastefully skin-baring blouse will secure you a well-earned place on the social scene. And you Libra men can add a touch of romance to your style with a bit of a retro vibe.

Trust Your Libran Instincts

What looks good on paper may not be what it seems…

The dating life of a Libra isn’t always smooth, and some of that could be the result of your own nature. Your indecisiveness could make you declare your love too quickly. Or you may overthink the process until it’s too late and the other person has moved on.

It’s possible that you subconsciously look for people who are bad for you, need to be “fixed”, or promise to balance what you feel are your own inadequacies. Practice trusting your instincts more. Learn to recognize when someone has “trouble” written all over them and move on.

Libra Dating Deal Breakers

Things a Libra should never put up with in relationships…

If you want to date a Libra, check this list first. If you see yourself here, tread carefully or look elsewhere!

Opinionated? Libra is the sign of diplomacy, so all views are considered.

Intolerant? Libra is highly socially aware, so all sides are treated equally.

Emotional? Libras want to calm the waters, not roil them up.

Needy? Libra is everybody’s friend, so may not have lots of time for you.

Mean? Libra is friendly and warm to everyone, including waitstaff and service workers!

Sloppy? Libra loves beauty and refinement.

Demanding? Libras take a long time to make up their mind and can’t be pushed.

Indecisive? Between the two of you, nothing will ever get decided!