Stand Up, Libras


The trick to looking and feeling your best…

Your mother told you a thousand times, and it turns out she was right! Good posture puts your body in balance, lifts your spirits, and has health benefits. It can relieve many chronic aches and pains.

Libra rules the lower back, and if yours is arched, with your pelvis back and belly forward, it can lead to pain in the lower back and butt. Correct it by strengthening your abs and stretching your hips and hamstrings.

Lie on your back with knees slightly bent, arms at your sides, palms down.

Keeping your neck straight, lift your head and shoulders off the floor and reach toward your feet.

Hold for five seconds, then slowly lower your head to the floor.

Do two sets of ten.

Go Play Outside, Libra!

The cool way a Libra can get a mood and health boost…

Sad to say, people just aren’t spending enough time outdoors these days–and that’s bad for our health! Just a few hours a week spent with Mother Nature can help combat heart disease and could lower breast cancer risk. What’s more, it relaxes the parts of your brain associated with focus, attention, and self-control, and as an air sign, you can appreciate that!

Tell your boss that your trip to a national park really will improve your performance at work! And if you can’t get away for a long walk, some studies suggest that just looking at green space—even the trees outside your window—can help reduce muscle tension and blood pressure.

A Libra Must-Have

Try this new fad for an instant beauty boost…

Silky smooth natural oils are the latest thing for your skin. Experts say they moisturize better than lotions because they absorb more quickly. They also nourish the skin with vitamins and antioxidants!

Pomegranates are associated with Libra, and it turns out that pomegranate seed oil is loaded with vitamin C, so it’s great for brightening and evening your skin tone. And strange as it may seem, you can even use it on oily skin. Pomegranate seed oil helps firm the skin and minimize pores. Combine it with glycolic acid serum and smooth it on in place of moisturizer. Be good to your skin and it will be good to you!

Feed Your Libra Mind

Surprising ways to enrich Libran beauty…

While looks are important, an intelligent mind is a beautiful thing, too. You like to feed your little gray cells with fine art, good literature, evocative music, and perhaps a subscription to an opera or ballet series. It’s all health food for your brain, and it helps to make you a more interesting and well-rounded conversationalist at soirées—something at which you excel. Why not attend a concert or buy the latest literary gem and treat yourself to another generous helping of food for thought?

Get Up and Move, Libra

The worst thing you’re doing to your body…

If you, like many, spend your workday at a desk, you’re in danger of suffering more than just a midafternoon slump. When you sit for a long time, the disks in your spine get unevenly squished and lose their healthy sponginess. Collagen hardens around the supporting tendons and ligament, and that’s when you get a stiff back. Ouch!

Good thing the solution is fairly simple. When you get up and move, you immediately boost your thinking skills, which will help you be more productive for the rest of the day. And moving helps the soft disks in your spine expand, contract, and soak up fresh blood and nutrients like little sponges. Whether it’s a workout or walk, give your brain and spine a boost!

Energizing Secrets for Libras

The surprisingly easy way Libras can renew…

As an air sign, you’re smart. You’re a thinker, and you think a lot about yourself—like, perhaps you aren’t as brilliant as you (and others) think you are, and they’re going to find out you’re a fraud! Take a few moments to relax.

Yogis have known for centuries about the enormous potential of breath. Breathing deeply relaxes your entire body and mind. Exhale forcefully and you increase your energy. Pay attention to the flow of your breath in and out as you focus your mind. Inhale and exhale fully to relax the emotional center of the brain. With clarity comes the realization that you are just as awesome as you thought!

Libras Give Back!

You’re the sign whose gift that keeps on giving!

If you’re true to your sign, your home and surroundings reflect your design sense and love of luxury (purchased at bargain prices, of course). Now that you’ve treated yourself to some of life’s finer things, maybe you should turn your attention to spreading the wealth?

We’re not talking about giving away the family fortune! Perhaps a friend has a pending wedding, birthday, or other special occasion. Surely he or she would be thrilled to receive a hand-picked gift that exemplifies your refinement and taste? Put your mind to it and see what you come up with!


Libra’s Love Giveaway

What Libras do when they are head over heels in love…

In a loving relationship, Libra’s deepest wish is to fulfill the desires of a significant other. No matter what it is, if a Libra can do something interesting for a partner in the bedroom, consider it done! And a Libra partner is all too happy to agree!

It’s all about give and take with you—it’s a very balanced approach. Reciprocate and you will both delight in the boost in performance and fun. You will also feel more confident about yourself in the process.

The World Is a Libra Fan Club

How Libras can make the most of their popularity…

You were born to interact with the public, and that is not an insignificant gift! While it’s true that you do best in home and work environments that are calm, supportive, and congenial (so perhaps not the DMV), there are plenty of other options that would feed your need to schmooze.

The world is your oyster, especially if you like working in restaurants! Whether you design bouquets, sell beach-front properties, host elegant parties, or style hair, you’re happiest when you have the chance to interact with your adoring public!

Libra: Champion of the Underdog

Libras help to make sure everyone has a chance at triumph!

As an air sign, you’re brainy. That’s a given. But something others might not know about you is that you will fight tooth and nail for those less fortunate. That’s your sense of justice coming out in all its glory. Since you’re also a primo strategist, you can vanquish your opponents before they know what hit them.

Take care, however, that you don’t focus all that energy and brainpower on others at the expense of looking out for number one. You could relinquish a bit of your independence if you do, and nobody wants that!