Libras Promote Peace

Keeping the peace is great, but not at this cost…

You are the calm at the center of the storm, the still point amid raging turmoil—or at least that’s your goal. You love peace and hate conflict (although you’re pretty darn good at resolving that). You are the silky smooth and fragrant oil that greases the wheels of social interaction, in all its varied forms, and calms the roiling waters of disagreement. Despite your desire to be a friend to all and enemy to none, take care that you don’t try to be all things to all people and lose yourself in the process.

Love, Libra Style

There’s one thing Libras can’t stand in their love lives…

You like to keep the conflict to a minimum in your relationships. It doesn’t jibe with your well-developed sense of harmony. Even when you argue, you do it fairly and politely. With a mate who shares your diplomatic skill, you’re in partnership bliss.

You are also very romantic. Your busy brain is constantly dreaming up new, ever more thoughtful ways to please your significant other. What will it be this time? A candlelit gourmet dinner? An outing to a concert or play? A bedroom interlude? Whatever you decide, it will be special!

Libra Tips for Finding Love Online

Things a Libra can do to score a great date online…

You’re happiest with a partner. If you’re searching for someone special, put that sharp mind to work and research the various online dating sites to find the one that best suits your needs. With all your charms, you may be spoiled for choice!

But you can be indecisive, so it might be hard for you to choose just one. Don’t overthink it. Try the one that feels right. If the first person doesn’t work out, move on to the next likely candidate. You know how much you like to talk to new people!

Spark Your Sex Drive, Libra

Found someone special? Keep the romance hot and heavy…

You’re a brainiac, so coming up with some delightful ways to keep your love light burning is easy. You hate doing things alone, so prepare a sumptuous meal of favorite foods together. Serve it with a special bottle of wine and a simple, yet elegant, dessert. You’ll bond in the kitchen as well as over the repast.

And keep the conversation flowing. As an air sign, that won’t be a problem for you! You know how to make your mate feel cherished and special. And who knows how the evening will end? (You do!)

Libra’s Love Giveaway

What Libras do when they are head over heels in love…

In a loving relationship, Libra’s deepest wish is to fulfill the desires of a significant other. No matter what it is, if a Libra can do something interesting for a partner in the bedroom, consider it done! And a Libra partner is all too happy to agree!

It’s all about give and take with you—it’s a very balanced approach. Reciprocate and you will both delight in the boost in performance and fun. You will also feel more confident about yourself in the process.

Libra’s Beautifying Fruit

This fruit has especially powerful benefits for Libras…

One of Libra’s fruits is the beautiful, crimson pomegranate. Don’t be put off by the tough rind! That hard shell hides jewel-like seeds that are powerhouses of vitamin C and antioxidants. Sprinkle them on salads or yogurt, add them to roasted meat dishes, or stir them in oatmeal along with a few pistachios.

Deep-red pomegranate juice may help prevent hardening of the arteries, and the juice’s antioxidants may even reverse some damage caused by the condition. For a delicious mock-tail, mix three ounces pomegranate juice, three ounces apple juice, one teaspoon honey, and two ounces lime seltzer in an ice-filled glass. Garnish with lime zest and toast your health!

Take Some “Libra” Time

Isn’t it time you did this for yourself, Libra?

Like all Libras, you look out for others, calm confusion, and settle disagreements. But always striving to be “World’s Most Understanding Friend” can be exhausting! Return to your center by taking a walk on a labyrinth, a historical symbol of rebirth (Libra rules walking, after all).

There are thousands of labyrinths around the world. And unlike a maze, you can’t get lost. Instead, as you slowly follow the curved path, you’ll begin to focus within. There are no choices to make, no disputes to resolve, just peaceful contemplation to enjoy. You’ll be refreshed and renewed and ready to return to your dog-eat-dog workaday world!

Libras Are Charm Personified!

Libra is the most charming sign—how to amp up your allure!

Is there anyone more charming than you? No! You tend to gravitate toward people who share your logic, independence, and smarts, so you’ll never lack for chat. Warm, fair-minded, and considerate, you really know how to listen. You have that uncanny ability to make the person you’re talking to feel like the only one in the room.

As you calm frazzled nerves and smooth ruffled feathers, you manage to earn the confidence of just about everyone. But watch out that you don’t go along with people just to fit in!

Why Libras Are So Fine

Libras love of the finer things and it might be because of this…

Self-indulgent? You? You prefer to think of it as a highly refined aesthetic sense! Venus is your ruler, so you naturally like nice, beautiful things, including people. You’re willing to hold out a bit longer to get exactly what you want, once you finally decide what that is, of course.

So, what if you spend a teensy bit more than you can really afford? High quality nourishes your soul and feeds your spirit, and that’s a good thing. Just remember to practice a modicum of moderation and you’ll be just fine.

World’s Best Moderator: Libra

The biggest role a Libra will ever play…

If you don’t make your living as a peace negotiator on the world stage, you should. Nobody can mediate a dispute the way you can. Your ability to see all sides of an issue is unparalleled. You have a deep sense of fair play, and you can debate your views with equanimity and intelligence.

And while some think that all this prevents you from making decisions, au contraire. You can—once you abandon the notion that everything must work out in a perfect 50/50 balance. Try it and see.