Make Smarter Decisions, Libra

How Libras can be sure they make the right choice…

Libra is the sign of cooperation, equality, and fairness. You’re renowned for your ability to see both sides of every issue, and it truly is a gift. But it can also make you indecisive, which is a bad thing if you have a really, really important decision to make. When you’re trying to figure out if you should take that job, end that relationship, or launch that business, you just can’t wait for the planets to align!

As counterintuitive as it may seem, try flipping a coin. Experiments indicate that people were happier when the coin flip said “quit.” Alternatively, if you just “know” the heads or tails answer is wrong, trust your gut. And get down off that fence!

If It’s Over, Say It’s Over, Libra

Breakup? Let go for good before you break down…

It’s very hard for you to actually tell someone when a relationship is finished. You’re so composed that your lover may not notice anything is wrong at all! You’re just as nice as ever and you seem to treat him or her in the same way, although if listening closely, your partner may detect a slight edge in your voice. Somehow you can continue to canoodle with one partner while testing the waters with someone else! Be careful. Such deception can only cause heartache—and you aren’t immune!

An Ideal Libra Relationship

Disappointed by love? This is what you’re doing wrong…

Most of the time you seem so confident to others that it can come as a shock to find out that you fear rejection, but it’s true. When you’re serious about someone, you don’t want to be two separate individuals in a relationship. You want to meld together as a team.

Show your true intentions by suggesting that you live together, carpool to work, and/or share finances. Your love will know you mean business! With a loving comrade to help, no longer will you have to dilly-dally alone over every decision. What a relief!

What’s Your Work Fate, Libra?

How to find your true passion and reach your potential…

As an air sign, you’re a thinker. You’re curious, restless, and multitalented, so you might find it hard to settle on just one career. You have the gift of being able to see all sides to every opportunity, but that same skill can also keep you from making up your mind!

Get some concrete career help with self-assessment tests found in books and online. With a better understanding of your values, interests, and personality, you can find not just a job but a calling that suits you to a T!

Learn to Say No, Libra

The one word Libras rarely say, but should…

You want to be appreciated. To that end you might be trying too hard to please your mate, friends, or boss—even strangers. With a slightly firmer backbone you can put those famous people skills to work and politely refuse the extra assignment or refrain from offering to help a pal into the wee hours. You can do it with a smile on your face because that’s just the way you are. You’re a great employee and friend—bright, competent, and enthusiastic. Stand up for yourself a bit more and you’ll see that the world won’t come to an end!

Are Libras Boss Material?

Find out if Libras have what it takes to be leaders…

Perhaps you’ve thought about working for yourself. Entrepreneurs have to be self-confident, brainy, good at building teams, excellent at communicating—and what sign does that describe? There’s no dispute that you are the veritable master of networking!

But entrepreneurs or any self-sufficient leaders also have to be quick and versatile decision makers (no dithering). They have to exude self-confidence (no inferiority complex). And they have to fight for what they want (no avoiding confrontation). If you can do all that, then yes, you can be top dog!

Stop Second-Guessing, Libra!

This is your biggest obstacle to finding true love…

You’re searching for love, but in your balanced, fair-minded Libra way, you could stymie your best efforts! When you can see both the good and the bad attributes in every potential partner, how do you choose?

Trust your animal instincts. A female albatross doesn’t waste her time on the wrong guy. That goose isn’t sitting there pondering that gander’s good and bad points. It’s doubtful you’ll find a wild critter anywhere who believes “opposites attract”! Many species besides humans engage in lengthy courtship rituals. The male has to prove to the female that he’s serious! If the guy isn’t that into you, accept it and move on. All the second-guessing in the world won’t make it so!

Why You’re Still Single, Libra

The mistake single Libras make most in their quest for love…

Relationships are very important to Libra. If you’re still searching for that perfectly balanced partnership, focus that sharp mind on yourself to suss out the answer. If any of these sound familiar, you may have some work to do!

Are you too busy trying to please everyone that you don’t have time for your nearest and dearest?

Are you too comfortable with ambiguity and therefore unable to commit?

Are you too concerned with being everyone’s friend that you neglect your partner?

Are you too worried about looks and not enough with what’s inside?

Are you too eager to maintain harmony so much so that you gloss over disagreements and tension?

Are Libras Naive About Money?

How to balance the good life with practicality…

As a Libra, you love the finer things in life—lovely décor, fashionable clothes, beautiful objects, fine food. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Nothing, that is, unless you go into debt in order to buy them!

Fortunately, for you, paying interest on debt is like setting a match to a stack of bills, so you do your best not to overspend. Your forte is balance, of course, so put it to good use. You can enjoy the good life and still have enough put by for a comfortable retirement!

Look Up to Find Love, Libra

The surprising place you should look for your soul mate…

Are you still searching for Mr. or Ms. Right? Libra of course is an air sign, so look skyward. You may not be into extreme sports, but there is nothing dangerous about being a spectator at places where hang-gliders, skydivers, or para-sailors show off their skills. Visit the summertime air show at a local military base or state fair. If you’re feeling adventurous, wafting silently over the landscape in a hot-air balloon at dawn can provide a whole new perspective on life—and on love!