Libra, Keep the Peace to Keep Love

Libras need this more than anything to be happily in love…

Harmony may be in short supply these days, but you more than anyone need peace in your private life. You want a partner who is accommodating, one who makes as few waves as possible. Because your focus is on strengthening your relationship, you cherish all of your partner’s conciliatory attempts as you forgive any missteps or shortcomings.

You would never think of forcing your opinion on a mate, but if you suddenly find yourself growing argumentative, resentful, and uncompromising, it could be a sign that this partnership isn’t the right one for you.

Do Libras Hide Their Feelings?

This might be getting in your way to finding love…

You live your life in a balanced way. You are fair to all, and your manner is gracious, warm, and agreeable. You’re so accommodating that you may stifle your true feelings so as not to hurt someone else’s.

So how is a potential partner supposed to know if you’re just being polite or you really like him or her? Welcome your friend into your world—make him or her part of it. You like to be the center of attention but relinquish a bit of the spotlight and invite your friend on a romantic ride, Libra style!

Play Up Libra Beauty

Your best feature you didn’t know about…

Of course you love beauty, so it won’t come as a surprise to anyone that you are pretty easy on the eyes yourself! Whatever your strong point happens to be—deep, soulful eyes, a pleasingly proportional body, gorgeous thick hair, or strong, well-shaped hands—play up that feature to your best advantage. You, of all the signs, know precisely how to do that! You also know exactly how to bring out the best in your partner and friends. Let them shine, too, and you will burn that much more brightly!

Unexpected Libra Star

True to form, this Libra celeb can play against type…

Zach Woods started performing improv at age 16, and has appeared in several films, including the satirical black comedy In the Loop. He’s had lots of experience playing socially inept, awkward characters, such as Gabe Lewis in NBC’s The Office, and Awkward Boy in the YouTube video series “The Most Awkward Boy in the World.” He also brought his talent to HBO’s Silicon Valley as Jared, a character Zach describes as “maternal…a guy in his twenties who has the interior life of a mother in her sixties.”

Don’t be tempted to mistake Zach’s onscreen personas for his real one. He may play characters who get mistreated, but this talented, savvy Libra knows just what he’s doing. Some 17 million weekly viewers can’t be wrong!

Libra Personality

With their kind dispositions, charming personalities, and desire to help everyone have a good time, Libras are one of the most loved signs in the zodiac! Libras are everyone’s friend, always happy to strike up a conversation and see where things go. They’ll indulge all your ideas without judgement or reservation. They are gifted when it comes to intelligence and are usually well read and informed. Throw any topic at them and watch them rise to the occasion!

Libras have a sixth sense for anything that is off balance. They are represented by the Scales and thanks to this, work tirelessly to put things back in order. As such, they tend to have well-rounded lives with a mix of hobbies, interests, and a large friend circle.

Libras aren’t followers per se, but they are generally less tied to a specific version of themselves, preferring flexibility over a rigid idea of the self. They can, however, suffer from too much anxiety about what other people think of them, and are sensitive to criticism. If they don’t feel safe, they can clam up and get stuck in their own heads.

How to Seduce a Libra

To seduce a Libra, you’ll need to turn on the charm and flex your bank account. Libras love nice things, thanks to their ruling planet Venus, so they’ll be charmed by small (and large) gifts. Anything related to fashion or art is perfect, but even an unexpected bouquet of flowers will do the trick.

Don’t be afraid of big gestures when wooing a Libra. This romantic sign loves a showy display of affection! Bring flowers on the first date, make dinner reservations at a nice restaurant, bring them a piece of art… shoot for the moon and hire a skywriter! Nothing is too over the top for a starry-eyed Libra.

For better or worse, Libras are a very visual sign. Show up to a date in sweatpants at your own risk! Making an effort with your style will go a long way in catching a Libra’s attention. After all, they always show up looking sharp, so you want to match!

Libra Psychic Traits

Libras are incredibly open-minded, willing to hear and entertain all kinds of ideas and possibilities. Sometimes this openness in communication can help their psychic traits and they can get so in tune with someone they might even be able to break into their thoughts. Because they are incredibly empathetic, it gives them a leg up on intuiting how they feel. Their sensitivity makes them natural empaths, which can tip over into psychic abilities like mediumship.

Libras spend so much time daydreaming that they are the most likely of all the air signs to get an otherworldly transmission. They are naturally curious and have less attachment to logic than Gemini or Aquarius—so they’re more likely to accept these “otherworldly things” offhand. Ultimately, while they are still intellectual, Libras are a little more comfortable with sitting and engaging with the unknown.

Libra Career Strengths

Fair: Whether it’s in their friend circle or at work, Libras will make sure everyone gets a fair shake. Libras don’t play favorites—it’s totally unethical.

Community Oriented: This sign is extremely social, and they bring this quality to work with them. While it can create boundary issues, working with a Libra means you’ll always feel part of the gang.

Networking: Need to make a connection? Find a Libra and watch how it’s done. Libras are natural connectors, able to see what makes everyone tick and bring people together.

Good at Delegating: Libras know that behind every great success story lies a great team. It takes a village, after all! Libras are excellent delegators who know how to size up everyone’s talents and create an ideal workflow.

Optimistic: Libras always try to find the best solution to every problem and keep a positive attitude when things get tough.

Libra Worst Careers

Engineering: Too much structure and detail will quickly wear a Libra out. They prefer creativity and flexibility over sticking to a model or design.

Sales: Sure, Libras have the gift of gab that helps a salesperson excel at their jobs. But the central component of sales (i.e. making the deal) is kind of alien to a Libra. They like entertaining all the options and loath the idea of having to convince someone to do something.

Healthcare: Jobs that require quick decision-making on major issues would be significantly stressful for Libras. Their skills are in weighing all the options, but when it comes down to it, they feel uncomfortable choosing one thing—especially one that can’t be undone.

Construction: Libras like to live in their imaginations and would have difficulty coming down to earth for something that requires them to work with their hands on a daily basis.

Statistician:Working exclusively with numbers? Not for a Libra.

Libra Symbol

It’s all about balance, right? And who’s the most centered out of all of the zodiac signs? Libra! The zodiac symbol of these charming individuals is represented by a set of scales.

The depiction of the scales charts all the way back to Themis, an ancient Greek Titaness. Themis held the Scales of Justice, and personified divine law, order, justice, and fairness. Libra is the only zodiac sign with a symbol that is an inanimate object. For a sign that’s often stereotyped for loving shopping, this symbolism sheds some extra light on their spending habits and love of luxury. Their ruling planet is Venus, which epitomizes harmony and lavishness all wrapped up into one.

It’s important to note that the Libra symbol is a set of scales that is already balanced. This is the ideal state this sign craves. Libras are also hopeless romantics, so the scales represent two halves creating a complete whole.