Libra Sex

As a sign that appreciates beauty and the physical form, Libras become attracted on a physical level first. They can be conventional in their type, to the point of being superficial. They appreciate lingerie, good lighting, and some pre-date photos to set the mood.

Libra is a typical air sign in that they enjoy the conversational element of sex as much as the physical act. They are good at engaging in flirty messages and conversations, and get fired up knowing their partner can match them in wordplay. They also appreciate the romantic aspects of sex and physical connection, from flirting beforehand to cuddling afterwards. Rose petals on the bed? A bubble bath waiting for you? These are Libra’s specialties!

Libras want sex to be harmonious and mutually beneficial. Libras are givers in bed, so don’t be afraid to make your needs clear. Their sweet and gentle nature means they can tend to play it safe in bed—the idea of hurting someone makes them want to put on the breaks. 

Libra Love Language

Libras love to feel connected through language. Whether it’s with a friend, on a first date, or with a long-term partner, Libras love discussion—and lots of it. More than that, they sometimes won’t have an opinion they’re trying to present. Expect a Libra to go back and forth on an issue and play devil’s advocate in order to make sure they understand all the sides.

As with all air signs, Libras tend to intellectualize emotions (both theirs and those of other people and partners). At times, they might agree in the moment to settle a situation or argument. You might feel like things have been handled, but tensions will fester under the surface if you don’t get to work out all sides of a situation. This can lead to resentment down the line, so when you’re communicating with your Libra partner, make sure you’re asking them questions and tending to their needs as well.

Libra is a gentle sign that doesn’t enjoy or respond to aggression and will be uncomfortable in a fight. They want to calmly weigh all the options before making any decisions. Above all, communication with Libra needs to be ongoing, open, flexible, and honest.

Libra Love

In the beginning… If you want a sign that’s going to prioritize commitment, you’ll find it in a Libra! This is a sign that’s in it for the long haul, preferring stability and comfort over a whirlwind romance. While they can run the risk of getting carried away by the fantasy, Libras are usually level-headed enough to put in the work to do what it takes for a relationship to last the long haul.

When things are going well…Libras are true romantics and fantasize about riding off into the sunset and living happily ever after with that special someone. But when Libras date, they do it with the intention of finding a serious relationship. Once they are smitten with someone, it won’t take long for a Libra to initiate “the talk.”

When things are on the rocks…In fact, Libras are so into settling down that they can be in danger of committing to unhealthy relationships to avoid being alone. Their commitment to doing the work might just extend the shelf life of a relationship that has expired.

Libra Moon

 When you’re born with a Libra moon, peace and harmony are required to keep your center. Libras are represented by the scales—a seamless representation of the equilibrium they crave. Thus, Libra moons are natural conflict mediators—easily able to see the side of any issue. They remind us to consider all angles before making a decision.

In the zodiac wheel, Libra rules the seventh house of committed partnerships, peppering Libra moon placements with an even stronger desire to couple up. Partnership is one of their areas of expertise, and it’s likely you’ll find most Libra moon people in committed relationships.

These air signs also have innate communication abilities, as their sign governs the exchange of information and ideas, especially when it comes to one-on-one relationships. Their negotiation skills are another secret weapon!

At the end of the day, love is all Libra moons need. With their planetary ruler being Venus, the planet of love and luxury itself, Libra moons are known for indulging in the finer things in life.

Libra Rising

Warm, fair, witty, and pleasant, Libra rising natives are welcoming and rarely rock the boat when it comes to love, family, and friend relationships. With the ruler of their birth chart being Venus, Libra rising natives can be quite physically stunning. The Libra rising people in your life may be the best dressed and even pretty glamourous.

If you think a Libra sun is indecisive—enter Libra rising! Libra ascendants must weigh all of the decisions before making a move. Going out for a night on the town? Sure, but this rising sign needs to try on at least 7 outfits first. Deliberation takes time, as they want to make sure they are making the best decision possible for all parties.

Committing to a stance and holding their ground can prove difficult for Libra rising natives. This is one of their greatest tasks during this life: learning to navigate and advocate for their needs and opinions.

Libra Strengths

Libra is one-of-a-kind! With fresh ideas, an egalitarian attitude, and a fashion sense that rivals all, here are some of Libra’s well-loved traits.


Diplomatic: Intelligent, open-minded, and thoughtful enough to understand even the most unique or “out there” points of view, they thrive on solving problems.

Friendly: Being around others brings out the best in this sign. With their sense of balance firmly established, Libras are good-natured and know how to go with the flow.

Stylish: Anyone who knows a Libra knows they have a signature style! Libras don’t necessarily strive to command attention, but they do love looking good.

Imaginative: Air signs are often accused of having their head in the clouds, but that’s where they get some of their best ideas from!

Easygoing: Libras are one of the cooler signs when it comes to taking things as they come. They love to feel good and avoid hardship whenever possible. At the end of the day, if everyone is enjoying themselves, chances are your Libra is too!

Libra Body Parts

Libra rules a diverse cross-section of the body including the kidneys, skin, lower back, and buttocks. If a Libra is experiencing stress or trauma, it will likely physically be manifested in one of these areas. They may have issues with hormonal acne, uneven skin, or dry spots. A regular skin routine, as well as daily sunscreen application, are especially important to keep the Scales from getting… well, scaly.

Kidney stones and UTIs in women are a concern. Alpha lipoic acid and probiotics can help long term kidney health, as well as keeping a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables.

Libras maintain a lot of their sense of physical balance through the lower back. To maintain a healthy spine, regular yoga class is a great option for a sign that is already known for its flexibility! Not only can it help improve that lifelong question for good balance, but it can also help stretch the lower back and prevent tension and soreness.

Libra Finance & Money

Being financially successful is important to Libras. They are attracted to material things and need a healthy enough bank account in order to afford them! While some signs put their money into travel or experiences (or a savings account), Libras love to surround themselves with inspiring things.

Speaking of that love of beauty, Libras often feel compelled to spend money on their looks. From spa treatments and hair salons to makeup and skincare products, they want to look their best—and they’ll spend money to do so! Keeping up appearances can get expensive, but it’s an important part of a Libras self-worth.

If they aren’t wealthy, they may surround themselves with (or date) people who are. Getting carried away with a fantasy lifestyle—whether or not they have the means to make it a reality—can be a lifelong struggle. Because of their spendthrift nature, there can be times where they panic and get a grip on their spending.

Because it can be difficult for Libras to make decisions, they tend to do research and gather information without locking things down. In this case, it is helpful for Libras to work with a financial advisor or someone they trust who understands finances to make prudent decisions.

Libra Career Weaknesses

Ambivalent: For a Libra, the downside to being passionate about presenting all sides of an argument is when you have to choose one. Because they are so good at seeing every point of view, they can talk themselves (and others) into an endless go-around of options without ever making a decision.

Difficulty Standing Up for Themselves: Have you ever been confronted by a Libra? Chances are, the answer is no. Libras hate conflict and will do pretty much anything to avoid it.

Bossy. Because they are so good at seeing every angle of a problem, they expect that everyone wants (and needs) to hear their thoughts.

Lack of Expertise: Libras can fall victim to being a “master of all trades, and jack of none.” Because they like balance, it’s difficult for them to commit a level of dedication to a single path that gives them a true expertise in a subject matter.

Lack of Follow Through: A Libra’s eyes can be bigger than their stomach (so to speak) when it comes to taking on projects.

Libra Best Careers & Career Advice

Curator: Thanks to their ruling planet, Venus, Libras have a great eye for all things visually pleasing. With their love of the arts, a career as a curator makes perfect sense. Bringing art and beauty to the world is a particular point of pride for Libras, so making a career of it makes sense for this artsy sign.

Fashion Designer or Stylist: Libras always look great, so why not make a career out of it? Fashion mavens will appreciate getting to flex their style skills and spend time pulling clothes, researching designers, and creating red-carpet-ready looks.

Lawyer: Debating for a living? Talk about a Libra dream job! With their natural sense of diplomacy, law makes perfect sense for this equitable sign. One of the main life goals for a Libra is finding a sense of balance, harmony and justice—all vital ideals when working in law.

Guidance Counselor: Just because Libras have difficulty making decisions, doesn’t mean they can’t help others find a path to stick to. Libras are great with people—especially younger people who are confused. Empathetic, kind, and good listeners, Libra would be a deeply sympathetic and effective guidance counselor.