How Will a Libra Dump You?

Hint: They might not! Libras hate confrontation so it can be difficult for them to take the initiative to actually break things off. Of all the signs in the zodiac, a Libra is probably least likely to break up with you, and certainly least likely to break up for a petty reason.

If they do decide they need to end things, being dumped by a Libra might not feel like being dumped at all. They’ll try to find the most equitable solution, and may not even call it a breakup. (It’s no coincidence that it was Libra Gwyneth Paltrow that came up with the term “conscious uncoupling.”) Because Libras don’t take breaking up lightly, they’ll be prepared to give you a well thought out explanation as to why they’ve taken this step.

Even if you don’t want to stay friends after the breakup, Libra hates awkwardness and discomfort. So after some time, they’ll probably win you over and convince you to become friends.

Libra Breakups

During… Relationships are an important part of a Libra’s life, so they take breakups hard. It’s probably their worst-case scenario, and they’ll try to avoid it—even if the writing is on the wall and a relationship hasn’t been working for a while.

After the breakup… After the dust settles, they’ll spend time trying to understand what happened and potentially realize what they were missing in that relationship. Dealing with their emotions can be difficult, so Libra is likely to take some culture cues to soothe themselves—funneling their feelings through art, sad movies, or heartbreaking love songs.

Long-term… If you fast forward a few months after a Libra’s relationship has ended, chances are you’ll find them in a new relationship! Libras hate staying single for long, making them prime serial daters and monogamists. They’ll be back on the prowl for a new partner in no time.

Libra’s breakup secret… With time, compassion, and plenty of new people to flirt with, Libras can mend breakup wounds and find new love again.

Libra Worst Matches

Libras may be easy to get along with, but that doesn’t mean they’re destined for happiness with everyone in the zodiac. Libra would be wise to avoid romances with:

Taurus: Although they are ruled by the same planet (Venus), for this match there can be such a thing as too much of a good thing. Both Libra and Taurus are captivated by material things, which can each distract them from forming a true and healthy emotional connection.

Cancer: A Cancer-Libra love match can be a messy one. These are both signs that love love and ultimately want to settle down. On a basic level, Cancer feels emotions deeply and needs to feel seen and understood emotionally. But Libra may have trouble truly intuiting their Cancer partner.

Capricorn: Capricorns are intensely practical, and don’t approach love like romantic Libras. They want to know your routines and goals, while a Libra wants to bond over the finer things in life. Unfortunately, it’s next to impossible to sweep a grounded Capricorn off their feet.

Libra Love Compatibility

This romantic sign always has admirers and ultimately wants to find their one true love. But which sign are they most compatible with? A Libra should search for:

Gemini: These two air signs are a great match, connecting on intellect and ideas. They are both passionate about culture and can engage for hours with their thoughts and opinions around art, music, and literature. Their compatible social lives help to avoid jealousy, as both of these easygoing signs love to socialize and trust each other.

Sagittarius: With a passion for fairness and equality, Sagittarius and Libra are both noble signs that just want to bring peace and justice into the world. Friendly and fun-loving, these signs are instantly attracted to each other.

Aquarius: Aquarius needs a partner who cares about the world around them, so Libra’s quest for equality in all things will be a major turn on. Aquarians can be unconventional, but open-minded and easygoing Libras are always down to learn something new. This is a match that can go out and have fun together, but also be independent enough to do their own thing.

Libra Weaknesses

While upbeat and carry a “let’s not fight” attitude, Libras can also have their flaws.


Vain: When a Libra’s need to find beauty in all things goes too far, they can definitely veer into a dangerous sense of vanity. There’s nothing wrong with taking pride in your appearance, but Libra can take this to an extreme.

Indecisive: Just because they can entertain a lot of viewpoints doesn’t mean they can narrow in on one! In fact, their skill for seeing the best in all things keeps them from choosing a side.

Unrealistic: Sometimes, Libra’s goals for ultimate harmony can take a toll on their day-to-day lives. After all, conflict is unavoidable, and change is part of life!

Lack of Self-Awareness: Libras can have difficulty getting to know themselves on a core or spiritual level.

Superficial: Libra’s desire to connect with many people at once often means they fall into the trap of knowing a lot about a little.

Libra Numerology

With its connection to Venus, Libra is associated with the number six in numerology. Once you know about Venus and its charms, it’s unsurprising to learn that the number six governs romance, beauty, and love. This is where we find femininity in numerology, with a sweet and unassuming sort of charm.

This is the number assigned to the “caretaker” role, of both the virgin and the matriarch. It carries with it a sense of self-sacrifice and giving away part of yourself to create a greater whole. They hate injustice and inequality—peak Libra values! They are well-liked and well-respected within their communities.

However, the willingness to throw themselves into the fire to preserve someone else can be an issue. People attached to this number are power creators, but they are tasked with investing in their own growth as much as the growth of others. They also need to work on being flexible and comfortable when things don’t match up to their ideals, which can be lofty and difficult to attain in the real world.

Libra Element

Along with Gemini and Aquarius, Libra is also an air sign. This is a thinking over feeling element that processes information through the mind first. Air signs seek to understand and are associated with intelligence and logic, though they can also be affected by anxiety and nerves.

Libra Tarot Card

As the eleventh card of the Major Arcana, Justice is the one most associated with morals, ethics, and our sense of righteousness. In Tarot, Justice is depicted sitting between two pillars, symbolizing balance. Justice holds a sword in one hand, representing logic (channeling some serious air sign energy here). And in the other hand, Justice holds a set of scales, representing equality.

Seeing as Libra strives to keep logic and equality at the highest level of importance, the Justice tarot card aligns perfectly here. Even Justice’s number, 11, visually represents balance: two numbers of equal proportion on each side.

The balance in life that Libra so often tries to keep (and may even struggle with—particularly in relationships) is perfectly represented in Justice’s sense of ethical compass. It’s a tarot card that suggests there’s a decision ahead for us—one that often has to do with weighing between our head and our heart.

Libra House

Libra and its ruling planet, Venus, are associated with the seventh house in astrology. In the journey across the zodiac, from inception to self-discovery, the seventh house is where we start to focus on partnerships and integrate relationships into our lives. This house teaches us how to negotiate with others, and that we can do more in a team than we can alone. It helps us see that our point of view is not the only one, and that our capacity for knowledge expands exponentially when we work together. It determines what we are willing to give, and what we require in order to feel comfortable.

It’s important to note that through the seventh house, we don’t just see how people build us up, but also how they can potentially tear us down. Our goal at the end of the day is to make them as fair and mutually beneficial as possible. Through the seventh house, we eventually learn the Libran skill of balance in partnership.

Libra Planet

Along with Taurus, Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, money. It’s no wonder this aesthetically oriented sign is so visually (and oftentimes superficially) driven. While the influence of Venus is more about touch for Taurus, Libras interpret beauty through the eyes. Libras love to surround themselves with beauty, from the art on their walls to the company they keep. Looks are important to a Libra, and the Venusian influence means they take their signature style seriously.

Venus is also the planet that rules money, and how we use that money to create the life we want. It’s about the relationship to the material goods that bring us joy. It determines what gifts we want for ourselves and to give to others.

Ultimately, Venus is about pleasure. It’s about living a life in pursuit of the finer things is a defining Libra trait. When Venus is involved, the notion of pleasure is something that should be shared. After all, beauty is something that unites society and can be appreciated on a grand scale. Through Venus, we find our understanding of leisure, sensuality, and what makes us feel special.