Date Night With Pisces

The dinner of your dreams, Pisces…

Put that world-famous imagination to good use when planning for your next dinner date. Cabernet and steak? Yawn. Chardonnay and salad? Been there, done that. Cool rosé wine is hot right now. And we’re not talking about Aunt Hilda’s wine spritzers! Pair an elegant Oregon white pinot noir (really a pale salmon color) with its rhubarb, cherry, and chive notes with omikase sushi. “Omikase” means that you leave the selection up to your chef, and with luck, the results will be inventive and unexpected (like you). Finish with grilled figs and honey over vanilla ice cream.

Why a Pisces Is Still Single

You might be looking in the wrong place, Pisces…

You’re fascinating and delightful, so why are you still looking? Your sign represents new beginnings, but you’d like to settle down with “the one.” Perhaps you’re trying too hard. Where you’re seeking a mystical connection, maybe the other person is only looking for a one-night stand! You’re greatly influenced by the currents around you, but perhaps you’re too sensitive. Your date wasn’t really trying to hurt your feelings! Maybe you leave after one strike when you should stick it out for the whole inning. Give mere mortals a chance—they don’t have your intuitive gifts!

Need Some Pampering, Pisces?

Get on the oil trend!

Be kind to your skin and it will be kind to you! Silky smooth natural oils are the latest thing for babying your skin. Experts say they moisturize better because they absorb more quickly than lotions. They also nourish your skin with lots of vitamins and antioxidants!

Pisces rules the feet. If yours are tired, dry, and rough, soothe them with a nourishing kiwi-seed oil massage. It’s rich in vitamins C and E, magnesium, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acids. And the oil is also great for nourishing the hair. Relax and give yourself the full-on spa treatment!

Posture Perfect Pisces

Perfect your Pisces posture with these tips…

If you didn’t spend your childhood balancing books on your head in charm school, your posture may be less than ideal. Slumping over a keyboard with shoulders hunched can cause chronic aches and pains. Good posture requires some conscious effort at first, but then it’s second nature!

At a desk: Keep your back pressed firmly against the chair, knees level with or higher than hips, feet resting on the floor.

On a couch: Keep a small pillow behind your lower back.

Standing: Give your back a rest by placing one foot on a low stepstool or an open cabinet.

In bed: Sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees, or on your back with one beneath them.

Get a Sugar Rush, Pisces

Pisces, be even sweeter with this beauty tip…

There’s nothing sweeter than a kissable mouth. Get yours ready for action by rubbing on a dab of brown sugar lip scrub. The sugar crystals combined with jojoba and grapeseed oils exfoliate and moisturize dry, chapped skin. Wipe off with a tissue (if you can resist the temptation to eat it) for lips as soft as honey. Finish with a brown sugar and vanilla lip butter, or if you’re feeling more daring, apply shimmery lilac-toned Let Them Eat Cake lipstick from Lipstick Queen and head out to meet your sweetheart! Va-va-va-voom!

Pisces at Home

Pisces´ instinctive and comfy cocoon…

You won’t find Pisces living in a sleek, spare, modernist home full of hard edges of steel and plastic. This watery sign keeps an abode that’s warm and welcoming, if not the tidiest on the block. While you don’t necessarily have an aquarium with actual fish, you do gravitate toward ocean hues and natural materials like wood, seagrass, and stone, with gauzy curtains that filter the light like an undersea kelp forest. Leave the big family gatherings to Cancer—you value your privacy. Your home is your haven and your comfortable furnishings your cocoon.

Are Your Feet Ruling You, Pisces?

Take some weight off your feet, Pisces…

Pisces is prone to foot problems, but don’t let them sideline you. Take care to find shoes that fit well. If you have lower-back pain, check to see if your feet roll inward when you walk. Over-the-counter inserts may help. If you’ve been standing or walking all day, soothe painful feet with alternating ten-minute soaks in salty warm water to ease soreness and cold water to reduce swelling. Rest and elevate your feet above heart level to help drain fluid buildup. Finish with a peppermint-lotion massage to stimulate circulation and make your toes tingle!

Be More Type A, Pisces!

Committing to beautiful, Pisces skin…

No one would ever accuse you of being rigid or regimented! If your skin-care regimen borders on the haphazard, apply a little military precision to your system and your complexion will thank you for it. Once you find products that work for you, commit to using them consistently, every day and in the same order. That gives the products a chance to work. You don’t even have to resort to trial and error because beauty companies have already taken out the guesswork. You can find prepackaged kits that target aging, sensitive skin, breakouts, dry skin, and more.

Fancy Footwork for Pisces

Luxe up your sneaker game Pisces…

The right shoe can make or break an outfit, but perhaps pointy stilettos make your feet ache. You need yours to be comfy, so how lucky is it that the latest trend is sneakers! Try to work some bulkier kicks with your shorter dresses or cutoffs, and maybe even go for high-tops if you’re feeling good. If you have legs that go to there, pair a mini with lace-up high-top high heels! High-end patchworks of textures, colors, and materials were made for billowy skirts. And tailored athletic wear is on-trend for men, mixing up neoprene, jersey, and leather. It’s okay to wear those luxe sneakers to dinner!

Stress Is Contagious, Pisces

Learn to protect your spongy-like nature…

Ordinarily, empathy is a good thing. You should know—Pisces has it by the bucketful! But it can also be draining. You know how you feel when you see someone being chewed out. You aren’t the one being reamed, but you still feel it in your gut! That secondhand stress can actually be bad for you. The knot in your stomach or sense of low-grade anxiety can increase your blood pressure and even contribute to heart disease! To protect yourself, meditate, exercise, or learn a few relaxation techniques that you can draw upon when the need arises.