Are Your Feet Ruling You, Pisces?

Take some weight off your feet, Pisces…

Pisces is prone to foot problems, but don’t let them sideline you. Take care to find shoes that fit well. If you have lower-back pain, check to see if your feet roll inward when you walk. Over-the-counter inserts may help. If you’ve been standing or walking all day, soothe painful feet with alternating ten-minute soaks in salty warm water to ease soreness and cold water to reduce swelling. Rest and elevate your feet above heart level to help drain fluid buildup. Finish with a peppermint-lotion massage to stimulate circulation and make your toes tingle!

Be More Type A, Pisces!

Committing to beautiful, Pisces skin…

No one would ever accuse you of being rigid or regimented! If your skin-care regimen borders on the haphazard, apply a little military precision to your system and your complexion will thank you for it. Once you find products that work for you, commit to using them consistently, every day and in the same order. That gives the products a chance to work. You don’t even have to resort to trial and error because beauty companies have already taken out the guesswork. You can find prepackaged kits that target aging, sensitive skin, breakouts, dry skin, and more.

Fancy Footwork for Pisces

Luxe up your sneaker game Pisces…

The right shoe can make or break an outfit, but perhaps pointy stilettos make your feet ache. You need yours to be comfy, so how lucky is it that the latest trend is sneakers! Try to work some bulkier kicks with your shorter dresses or cutoffs, and maybe even go for high-tops if you’re feeling good. If you have legs that go to there, pair a mini with lace-up high-top high heels! High-end patchworks of textures, colors, and materials were made for billowy skirts. And tailored athletic wear is on-trend for men, mixing up neoprene, jersey, and leather. It’s okay to wear those luxe sneakers to dinner!

Be Good to Your Body, Pisces

Pisces, try this recipe made for you…

Nasunin gives eggplant skin its rich, deep-purple color. It also infuses the vegetable with anti-aging properties. Research has shown that nasunin fights the spread of cancerous cells by cutting off their blood supply. It may also slow the development of Alzheimer’s disease by preventing free radicals from damaging neurons. This versatile vegetable can be grilled, baked, sautéed, or roasted and served hot or cold. Branch out from eggplant parmesan and try a salad of roasted eggplant, apple, and quinoa with cumin vinaigrette and give your body a boost!

Adaptable Pisces Win

Your adaptability is your weapon, Pisces…

You adapt easily to the shifting currents in the work world, which is a good thing. But maybe you adapt a little too easily? In meetings do you go along with whatever the group wants rather than state your own opinion? You might think you’re being generous and saving everyone time, but sometimes bad decisions get made because one person didn’t have the courage to swim against the stream and offer an important, possibly contradictory, idea. Blowing every way the wind goes (or current flows) can make you seem wishy-washy. Let your voice be heard!

Why Pisces Should Volunteer

Helping others is the Fish´s specialty…

You are the very essence of compassion. Nobody else can match the Pisces capacity for sacrifice. If it’s a cause you care about or an ideal you uphold, you’ll work tirelessly on its behalf. Perhaps your day-to-day job leaves you feeling unfulfilled—it pays the bills and stimulates your mind, but doesn’t stir your soul. If your company is involved in a community program that benefits animals, food banks, wildlife, medical research, or other worthy cause, get involved. Help plan events or staff a booth at the walk-a-thon. Do good for the company, society, and yourself!

Know Your Boundaries, Pisces

Spotting Pisces´ main weakness…

Your sympathy extends to anyone in need, pain, or difficulty. You tend to ailing plants and hungry animals with tenderness and love. You’re impressionable and softhearted. Take care that you don’t cross the line into gullible, or take on other people’s issues as your own. Unfortunately, not every plea for help is an honest one (you only have to look through today’s spam to find that out). If you give away all of your assets—tangible (money, the shirt off your back) as well as intangible (emotions)—there will be nothing left for you. Take care!

Ask for What You Want, Pisces

This is no time for daydreaming…

If you are interviewing for a new job, be up-front about what you want. Most employers really do want their employees to be satisfied with their jobs because then they will be at their most productive. Perhaps there are certain perks or job requirements or workplace conditions that are very important to you. Don’t just assume that you will or won’t get them—speak up. Otherwise, you could arrive at your new job on day one and discover it wasn’t what you thought you’d agreed to at all!

The Epitome of Pisces Passion

This stunning Pisces has a heart of gold…

Former House star Olivia Wilde may seem like an overnight success, but she’s been acting for over a decade. And with experience comes wisdom, “I know which way I’d actually like to continue and what really isn’t true to me,” she says.

And compassion is a big part of that. Her charitable company, Conscious Commerce, encourages people to shop from companies that are doing good, such as Tom’s of Maine. It also partners companies with charities for limited-run products. “It’s our attempt to live and exist and shop in [an] enlightened way.” She’s also a founding member of Artists for Peace and Justice, dedicated to raising money for medical care, education, and food and water programs in Haiti. Making the world a better place… so Pisces!

This Young Pisces Is Lucky

Fate was written in this Pisces’ stars…

At age 19, Ansel Elgort has only a few films under his belt, but that won’t last long because of his work as Caleb Prior in Divergent and Augustus Waters in the film adaptation of John Green’s young-adult best-seller The Fault in Our Stars.

The roles weren’t accidents. The son of a fashion photographer and opera director, Ansel (named for Ansel Adams) took ballet and singing lessons, performed in musical theater, and attended Stagedoor Manor drama camp for seven years. “You take one step at a time and then eventually you get to star in a big movie…. that’s why I am starting to believe in luck.” It’s all coming together for this rising star!