Why Pisces Should Volunteer

Helping others is the Fish´s specialty…

You are the very essence of compassion. Nobody else can match the Pisces capacity for sacrifice. If it’s a cause you care about or an ideal you uphold, you’ll work tirelessly on its behalf. Perhaps your day-to-day job leaves you feeling unfulfilled—it pays the bills and stimulates your mind, but doesn’t stir your soul. If your company is involved in a community program that benefits animals, food banks, wildlife, medical research, or other worthy cause, get involved. Help plan events or staff a booth at the walk-a-thon. Do good for the company, society, and yourself!

Know Your Boundaries, Pisces

Spotting Pisces´ main weakness…

Your sympathy extends to anyone in need, pain, or difficulty. You tend to ailing plants and hungry animals with tenderness and love. You’re impressionable and softhearted. Take care that you don’t cross the line into gullible, or take on other people’s issues as your own. Unfortunately, not every plea for help is an honest one (you only have to look through today’s spam to find that out). If you give away all of your assets—tangible (money, the shirt off your back) as well as intangible (emotions)—there will be nothing left for you. Take care!

Ask for What You Want, Pisces

This is no time for daydreaming…

If you are interviewing for a new job, be up-front about what you want. Most employers really do want their employees to be satisfied with their jobs because then they will be at their most productive. Perhaps there are certain perks or job requirements or workplace conditions that are very important to you. Don’t just assume that you will or won’t get them—speak up. Otherwise, you could arrive at your new job on day one and discover it wasn’t what you thought you’d agreed to at all!

The Epitome of Pisces Passion

This stunning Pisces has a heart of gold…

Former House star Olivia Wilde may seem like an overnight success, but she’s been acting for over a decade. And with experience comes wisdom, “I know which way I’d actually like to continue and what really isn’t true to me,” she says.

And compassion is a big part of that. Her charitable company, Conscious Commerce, encourages people to shop from companies that are doing good, such as Tom’s of Maine. It also partners companies with charities for limited-run products. “It’s our attempt to live and exist and shop in [an] enlightened way.” She’s also a founding member of Artists for Peace and Justice, dedicated to raising money for medical care, education, and food and water programs in Haiti. Making the world a better place… so Pisces!

Pisces Power Stone

Pisces, get flashy with your birth stone…

Pisces is believed to have the gift of prophecy. Perhaps you’re interested in the occult or clairvoyance. Your birthstone, aquamarine, is said to amplify such powers. According to myth, these clear turquoise gems washed ashore from the jewel boxes of the Sirens, sea nymphs whose songs lured sailors to their deaths. These beautiful crystals are also reputed to bring serenity of mind and soothe marital discord, a good enough reason to wear them! Add a sparkling brooch (a fish, perhaps) or chandelier earrings and take an outfit from casual to exceptional in a flash.

Clues It’s Over With Pisces

This is how you’ll know if it’s over with your Pisces…

It isn’t easy. Pisces won’t tell you directly that the thrill is gone. He or she will beat around the bush, hem and haw, and drop a few hints, hoping you’ll get the message. Pisces is nice—too nice, perhaps—to just say it like it is. The intimacy will taper off without any real explanation or discussion. And if you fall off that pedestal that you’ve been so carefully placed upon, a Pisces partner will leave to find another paragon to worship. Just do what many Pisces find so hard—face reality and move on!

Does Pisces Love You?

How to tell if Pisces loves you…

Some say that most Pisces are incapable of settling down with just one partner. Given the first hint of trouble, they’ll swim off to find one of those many other fish in the sea. But when Pisces commit they make generous, faithful, loving partners. How can you tell if your sweetie’s love is true? A Pisces that’s hooked wants to be around you even if you’re just sharing a quiet afternoon reading or watching a movie. When your dreamer also wants to make your dreams come true, you’ve got a catch.

Dating Deal Breakers for Pisces

Back to the sea! Pisces can’t tolerate this…

Mutable, accommodating Pisces is pretty easy to please, but it pays to understand a few preferences if you want to go out with one. A date should come prepared with intelligence and plenty of interesting topics to talk about. Mean-spirited personas need not apply. Pisces is perfectly happy to listen to your problems, and even offer helpful suggestions, but lapse into whining or self-pitying tears and the interest soon dissolves. The Fish wants potential partners with backbone. And superficial narcissists more interested in the impression they make than the human being they are? No thank you!

Pisces and the Universe

No other sign is more in touch with the Cosmos…

“Mystical”, “otherworldly”, “visionary”—these are just some of the words people use to describe you! Some say Pisces is a direct conduit to the spirit world, the sign of reincarnation and spiritual rebirth, and that you have lived many past lives. Your sign embodies a longing to transcend this gritty, mundane, earthly existence and swim in an ocean of universal consciousness, a sea of glamour, illusion, and creativity. You can thank your ruler Neptune for that! Your universal perspective gives you compassion. Your challenge is to not slide into escapism but to keep one fin firmly planted in reality!

Single, Pisces!?

Look within if you’re still looking for love…

The Fish is a fantastic catch, so why are you still searching? A bit of introspection might yield a few answers!

Are you too escapist? A partner needs you to be rooted in reality at least some of the time!

Are you too self-indulgent? A partner wants some give and take.

Are you too moody? A partner can’t always predict or read your state of mind.

Are you too passive? A partner wants to share experiences, not dictate them.

Are you too gullible? A less than honorable partner could take advantage of you.

Are you too vague? A partner needs you to speak your mind.