Keep on Your Toes, Pisces!

Knowing how and when to wear your favorite fashion item…

The French shoe designer Roger-Henri Vivier said, “to wear dreams on one’s feet is to begin to give reality to one’s dreams.” Dreams and feet—what could be more Pisces than that? Whether your day is spent racing from meeting to meeting, shuttling the kids to practice, standing, running, pacing, or biking, or if you prefer flats, low heels, trainers, spikes, plain or embellished, make sure you wear the right shoes for the activity (you know how sensitive your feet are). If you just can’t abide mile-high heels on your feet, you can still wear luxurious Jimmy Choo perfume on your wrists. With notes of orange, pear, orchid, patchouli, and toffee, it’s spicy and sweet—just like you!

Pisces Love Fantasy Sex

Pisces´ secret sexual fantasy…

Erotic, romantic Pisces has a powerful imagination. Daydreaming is a favorite hobby. You may have trouble accepting reality in the outside world, choosing to live in an idealistic reverie, but that isn’t a problem in the bedroom! Make good use of that prodigious fantasy world and spice up your sex life with role playing (nearly one-fifth of couples try this—or want to). Researchers have found that women are happier with partners who are honest about an X-rated stash. Need some ideas for your bedroom antics? Watch a racy video together!

Are You Swimming Off Course, Pisces?

Pisces´ number one career priority…

Perhaps more than any other sign, Pisces is sensitive to the pool in which you swim. Your surroundings affect you deeply, as do those subtle vibrations you pick up from people and objects. If your cubicle is too cramped, the lighting too harsh, or the music too loud from the next guy over, you won’t be happy at work. Most employers are flexible when it comes to keeping good talent. If telecommuting would make you happier and more productive, lay out the benefits of such an arrangement for your boss. Everybody wins!

Should Pisces Be the Boss?

Pisces, you have what it takes to be the boss, but…

You’re pretty laid-back. Most of the time you’re content letting others take the lead, but perhaps you’re wondering if you have what it takes to be in charge. You might think you lack the self-confidence to be boss, but hold on. Good managers are flexible adapters (check), encouraging motivators (check), and patient listeners (double check). They evaluate, analyze, and organize, which you know you can do. They also lead teams, delegate tasks, and roll with the bad times as well as the good. Only you can decide if you’re ready!

Ideal Jobs for Pisces

The ideal job for the most creative sign…

You work hard and well in jobs you care about deeply. You’re a dreamer who thinks about the way things should be rather than the nuts and bolts of corporate machinery. Some Pisces aren’t well suited to a harsh business environment, preferring to work alone. Intelligent, imaginative, with a strong visual orientation, you need work that speaks to your strengths. Consider website design, computer animation for movies, composer, theater set designer, writer, or photographer. Other people would be smart to pay attention to your hunches, so how about a trend spotter for a website or magazine?

Pisces Breathing

You’re too gentle to be doing this…

Who thought that you could do something as natural as breathing wrong? It’s true! Most people take frequent, shallow breaths, which actually requires more effort than deep breathing. Shallow breathing also triggers a mild fight-or-flight response, and sensitive Fish don’t need that kind of grief!

Do double duty by practicing deep breathing while you do yoga or lift weights. It’s common to hold your breath when you concentrate, but if you exhale with the effort (lifting a barbell, doing an ab crunch), you’ll make your breath work for you, activating your core and stabilizing your spine so you can do that Sun Salutation more efficiently!

Trust Your Instincts, Pisces

Learn to channel your most valuable quality…

If you’re trying to find the career path that truly moves you, focus on what you love. You’re a poet and a dreamer. You also have strong intuition combined with a few insecurities! That means that you know instinctively what’s right for you, but sometimes you doubt your ideas and let yourself be swayed by what others say is “right” or “best” for you. Pioneering Pisces spirits from Einstein to Galileo to Steve Jobs didn’t let outside opinions override their inner counsel. The most valuable attribute you can share with the world is your authenticity.

Pisces Psychic

Like their fellow water signs Cancer and Scorpio, Pisces is also a highly intuitive zodiac sign, and known for its psychic skills. A magical connection to the unseen helps Pisces natives envision what others can’t. Their uncanny intuition makes them seem like they know things that other people don’t know. Which sometimes is actually true.

So, even though Pisces natives have excellent intuition and advanced psychic ability, they don’t always know (or admit) it. Pisces natives often lack self-confidence and self-esteem. They frequently second-guess themselves, and they’re disappointed when they find out that their gut feeling was right all along! This is a learned skill, and the older they get, the better they are at trusting that little voice inside them.

As a mutable sign, Pisces natives are highly impressionable. This zodiac sign is open to alternative energy sources, including the spirit world. Pisces natives are extremely receptive to the unknown and to things that other people rule out. Pisces truly believes there is more to life than we can see. Pisces natives innate psychic abilities help them prove their theories and suspicions to others.

Pisces Worst Careers

Military: For the most part, Pisces natives are peace-loving, so many of the Two Fish are opposed to the use of weapons and force. While all branches of the military are different, most are looking for recruits with a confident, realistic mental attitude. All of the aforementioned aren’t necessarily dreamy, imaginative Pisces’ strengths.

Lawyer: While Pisces natives have the compassion to work in this profession, they oftentimes lack the assertiveness that’s necessary to be successful. To be a great lawyer, you have to be willing to stand up in court, often in front of a large group of people, and loudly and clearly state your case. This might make most Pisces natives cringe!

Job Recruiter: A recruiter has to act fast in order to get their clients the best gig, and Pisces, well . . . Pisces isn’t the quickest zodiac sign around. Pisces natives like to take their time and think about every possible scenario.

Salesperson: The number one characteristic of a great salesperson is the ability to be outgoing. Let’s be honest: This can oftentimes be the exact opposite of the typical Pisces personality. Pisces natives are often introverts at heart, and really don’t like the idea of having to be “on” all the time.

Straight up, most Pisces natives are just too nice to succeed in positions of power. If they are your boss, you probably love them, because they let you get away with anything! 

Pisces Career Strengths

Imaginative: Pisces natives have great imaginations, so they’re able to come up with extremely creative and inventive solutions for everyday work problems. They will need plenty of alone time and a quiet space in which to dream up their visions, but the payoffs are well worth it!

Likeable/Helpful: If you work with or for a Pisces, you know this zodiac sign doesn’t like to cause any waves. Not wanting to offend anyone at any time, Pisces natives are kind to the people they work with, and will often offer to do things to help their coworkers.

Understanding: Pisces is one of the most sympathetic zodiac signs, which is a very nice perk if you work with or for one. As a boss, Pisces natives are likely to accept your genuine reasons for not coming to work or finishing a project on time. They want to help their employees out of any personal jams they might find themselves in.

Belief in the Vision: Pisces natives want to look on the bright side in most situations. If they’re presented with a goal or task, they’ll try to look at the positives instead of the negatives. Very rarely will Pisces natives look at a long-term project or assignment and think to themselves that they can’t accomplish it.

Thoughtful: Pisces is that coworker who sends you a link to an article about your obscure hobby, or a recipe you’ll probably like. And if there’s a cake sitting in the break room for everyone to share, chances are good that a Pisces brought it in, just because.