Pisces Strengths

While Pisces natives can be extremely accommodating and chameleon-like, there are some amazing inherent strengths that are a permanent part of their personality.

Pisces natives tend to be fair-minded and wants to hear both sides of the story before they make any judgments. Although they often have incredible ideas of their own, they are also very willing to hear other people’s ideas and opinions before making their final decision.

Sympathetic/Compassionate: The Two Fish have an enormous amount of sympathy and compassion for those around them. You don’t have to be in their inner circle to benefit from this strength. Pisces natives . are willing to include all of humanity in their thoughts and prayers, and easily puts themselves in other people’s shoes.   

Creative: So many Pisces are artists, designers, musicians, and other creative types due to their amazing imaginations. Because they’re ruled by dreamy Neptune (in modern astrology), they’re very much in touch with the ethereal, otherworldly realm where imagination meets mysticism.

Dedicated: Pisces natives’ inner circle of friends is small, and therefore they are very selective regarding the people they allow in. Pisces are huge introverts, so sharing secrets doesn’t come naturally and isn’t something they do on a regular basis. Once they do find a trustworthy friend or partner to confide in, they tend to be dedicated to that person for life.

Spiritual: Pisces is in touch with their spiritual side, perhaps more than most zodiac signs. This zodiac sign spends a great amount of time daydreaming and considering the idea of a greater power. In general, Pisces natives are receptive to most spiritual concepts.

Pisces Personality

On first impressions, Pisces natives are daydreamers. Quiet, shy, nice people who have a mystical, spiritual side that is both intriguing and difficult to define. Pisces natives spend a lot of time in their heads and have a rich inner life. Their dreams are vivid and helpful, and they can often have careers based on their intuitive abilities.

They’re sensitive and delicate, however, so the Pisces personality needs a lot of positive feedback no matter what this zodiac sign chooses to do. Pisces natives have a lot of excellent ideas, but need encouragement from others to carry them through to fruition.

Pisces’ energy represents the will to transcend and evolve. This zodiac sign is extremely spiritual and is always searching for ways to unite the world in peace and harmony. Pisces natives derive great pleasure from helping people get to the next phase of their spiritual journey, or helping others to achieve their dreams.

Pisces Moon

This is the most “I see dead people” moon sign ever. Just kidding (kind of). If you have a Pisces moon and don’t believe in ghosts, you may be in the minority. Pisces moon placements have quite a connection to other worlds and dimensions. Their heads are constantly in the clouds, and daydreaming can take over their waking hours. This is an incredibly psychic placement to have as a moon sign.

Ruled by Neptune (in modern astrology), there is an otherworldly spirituality with this placement. Their intuition may be their greatest asset—and that’s great because keeping track of ordinary day-to-day routines isn’t their bag. “Practical” and “consistent” aren’t words they’re worried about.

Pisces moon placements crave fluidity and, as a mutable zodiac sign, they prefer to leave options open-ended. This isn’t to say they won’t commit when it comes to love, as this is one of the most loving moon placements to have. In fact, a Pisces moon person’s love and compassion has no limits.

Pisces Rising

Having their head in the clouds is an everyday affair when it comes to Pisces rising and Pisces ascendant natives. This is a rising sign that might come off as living in a constant state of disassociation. As lovers of art and music, these sensitive rising sign people are emotional sponges that are affected by anything and everything. A simple song lyric could bring tears to their eyes.

That said, Pisces rising natives are one of the most empathetic zodiac signs. Their understanding and capacity for others’ pain is never-ending. They are one of the most understanding rising signs out there, and because of their open-mindedness, they can actually adopt a shape-shifter reputation.

Their personality, at the surface, can easily change to fit whoever they are with. And as a mutable zodiac sign, Pisces are apt to change their minds constantly. It’s hard to pin down whether they’re shy or outgoing—it just depends which personality you get that day.

Pisces Symbol

The symbol for Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions, held together by a chord so as not to lose one another. This symbol hints at some of the dual-facing qualities of a Pisces. While the Two Fish can be intuitive, dreamy, and sensitive, this zodiac sign can also be manipulative, filled with hidden agendas and a bit delusional.

You know that phrase, “You drink like a fish?” Perhaps a Pisces had some influence over that phrase. Pisces natives can be prone to escapism. Anything in the name of numbing out from the reality of their life, Pisces natives are more susceptible.

The Two Fish also represents the two types of Pisces: the upstream fish and the downstream fish. The upstream fish will swim as hard and fast as they can to get to what they want. In their shadow, the downstream fish can appear less motivated, and, at times, a prisoner to their emotions.

Pisces Body Parts

Pisces tend to be delicate, and therefore aren’t the physically strongest sign. This zodiac sign does understand the connection between the mind and body, though. Pisces natives are very attuned to mental health issues, and make good efforts to stay mentally, emotionally, and spiritually strong. They have a rich and varied mental life, and know the importance of keeping stress to a minimum. So, which body part does Pisces rule?

In astrology, the body part Pisces is assigned to is the feet. Pisces natives might find that they have a lot of various foot issues to deal with during their lifetime. Most Pisces natives have their podiatrists on speed dial, and schedule regular visits to make sure they keep their footsies in tip-top shape. 

With their penchant for always looking on the positive side, though, Pisces don’t always want to visit a doctor. This is a zodiac sign that prefers to “wait and see” what time will bring. Because this zodiac sign can tend to worry, the longer Pisces goes without getting an ailment checked out, the worse it is.

Pisces Finance & Money

When it comes to money, it doesn’t rate high on a Pisces’ “must-have” list. What do Pisces natives finance and money look like? Pisces natives are searching for more out of life—and when they pursue their dream job it isn’t usually the highest paying job out there. Pisces natives tend to choose careers that fulfill their emotional needs, not for money or finance. This zodiac sign’s spiritual and emotional happiness is a higher priority than actual wealth or finances.

While they can be financially indecisive and seem wishy-washy a lot of the time, Pisces natives are actually pretty good with the money. Because they like to live their dreams, they know that it takes money and stable finances to make that happen. Pisces generally will do what it takes to get them to the point of financial security to pursue their dreams.

Pisces are also often compelled to reach financial success for other people. Pisces natives are incredibly generous with their friends or family—and even the greater good of the world. This zodiac sign loves to give its money away, and invest it in other people or charities that may need it more.

Pisces Career Weaknesses

Self-Pitying: There are few things that are more difficult to deal with than when Pisces natives start feeling sorry for themselves. When they lose confidence at work, they are virtually useless until you’re able to talk them up again.

Overly Sensitive to Criticism: When you need to give a Pisces constructive criticism, you might want to tread lightly. Pisces natives can be an “either or” type of person. Even when you’re gentle with what a Pisces did wrong, all this zodiac sign can hear is “I’m not worthy.”

Dependent: While Pisces natives can be great independent workers, their emotions make them some of the most dependent coworkers around. Their constant need for approval and reassurance can really disrupt their working relationships.

Lacking Boundaries: Pisces natives wants to be friends and, sometimes, they don’t know the line between business and professionalism. Pisces natives can lose their direction easily, and this can cause their workplace relationships to move from professional to maybe a little too personal too quickly.

Escapist: Once Pisces natives retreats into their own little world, it’s hard to reach them. Daydreaming at a meeting is one thing, but if you’re counting on them for something major like a big presentation, good luck getting through to them. 

Pisces Best Careers & Career Advice

Veterinarian: Pisces natives have warm hearts and an affinity for animals, so veterinarian is an excellent career choice for them. This zodiac sign has a compassionate, sympathetic nature that makes Pisces warm empaths and caretakers. Pisces natives’ advanced sense of intuition will help diagnose animals.

Minister/Spiritual Advisor:
Pisces is very good at leaving the material world behind to study spirituality. They often spend their free time lost in thought or prayer. This profession seems a natural extension of who they truly are.

Oceanographer/Marine Biologist: Pisces natives love to be by the water, so any career having to do with bodies of water, is a good choice. As an oceanographer, however, Pisces gets a chance to spend time under the water, studying the ocean in a calm, soothing watery environment.

Fiction Writer: Pisces natives are extremely creative and love to tell a good story. They’re naturally talented and prolific creative writers. The quiet life of a writer is appealing to quiet and shy Pisces, too.

Nonprofit/Humanitarian Worker: Pisces has one of the best hearts, warmest smiles, and most compassionate souls of all the zodiac signs. Talk about ideal humanitarians! They are happy playing a small role in a much bigger organization, and welcome work around the world doing charitable work.

Pisces Weaknesses

Pisces never intends to hurt anyone and rarely does so on purpose, but their weaknesses often lead to self-inflicted pain.


Hyper-Sensitive: Pisces natives like to live in their own little dream world, filled with fantasies and fairy tales. So when something comes along to burst that little bubble, they get upset and labeled as oversensitive. While this might not be fair, their reputation as one of the more sensitive signs is well-deserved.

The glyph for Pisces is of two fish swimming in opposite directions, which is very representative of them most of the time. There are so many options in life, and Pisces natives can have a very difficult time making decisions.

Pisces natives are perfectly happy at home alone spending time in their head, but it becomes a problem when they start passing up all forms of social interaction. And Pisces’ legendary laziness contributes to their reclusiveness, at times.

Shy: Pisces natives’ quiet form or demureness can be attractive, but their shyness can also be an issue. This zodiac sign can actually have crippling shyness from time to time in the form of panic attacks and extreme anxiety. Any Pisces wishing to become more outgoing should go about it slowly. It’s a process.

Naïve: Pisces natives are said to be accepting of people and situations a little too easily, which contributes to their naïveté. This zodiac sign wants to believe that everyone has the best of intentions, no one is out to hurt them, and this can truly get them into trouble at times.