How a Pisces Will Dump You

Pisces is one of the most forgiving signs, so if a Pisces is dumping you, you’ve probably screwed things up pretty badly! Pisces natives like to look at the positive side of life, so once they reach their breaking point, they’ve really taken all they can stand. As for their reputation for being slightly naïve and even a bit of a pushover? Once you’ve seen a Pisces whose been pushed too far, you won’t believe those generalizations anymore. When Pisces natives reach their limits on what they can take from a partner, their good-heartedness and compassion are out the door.

Once they do reach the limits and decide to break up with someone, they might pull one of their famous disappearing acts instead of confronting the situation directly. Pisces natives’ first instinct when there’s trouble is usually to retreat. They might leave a breakup note on the counter or send a goodbye text, waiting for it all to just blow over. They’ll come around eventually to talk about things. However, they might not want to talk about the real reasons for the breakup, preferring to live in a fantasy world.

Pisces Breakups

During: When a relationship reaches its breaking point and the only alternative is to go their separate ways, most Pisces will accept the relationship’s fate without too much protest. Remember, Pisces natives don’t like confrontation. Even if they have strong objections to the contrary, they’ll probably keep their true thoughts and feelings to themselves. Well, in the beginning that is. Will there be tears, though? You can count on it.

After the breakup: When Pisces natives are broken up with, their main objective isn’t to deliberately hurt or cause any pain for the other person. That doesn’t mean that Pisces natives will make it excessively easy for a breakup to happen. They can resort to some desperate-seeming antics that are designed to let their soon-to-be ex give them another chance. Pisces natives are very good at playing the victim. They do an excellent “poor me” act.

Long-term: In general, in the long-term Pisces natives wants to be friends with their exes. It’s actually hard for most people to stay mad or upset with Pisces for very long. In general, they’re genuinely sorry for any mistakes they’ve made, and will naturally work themselves back into their exes lives in most cases, even if it’s just as friends.

How to Seduce a Pisces

Getting Pisces natives to open up to you enough to invite seduction is tricky business. Talking about their dreams, spirituality, the occult, or anything mystical is a good place to start. The more a Pisces has in common with you, the better chance you have to get him or her to open up and to see you as someone they’d like to spend some more intimate time with.

Pisces also has a compassionate side, and is easily taken in by sob stories. We’re not suggesting you make something up to play on their sympathies, but if you’re willing to open up about real-life experiences, a Pisces will be touched. Pisces natives appreciate vulnerability.

Once you get as far as inviting a Pisces over for a date, make sure that the place you’ve chosen is Pisces-approved. Pisces are big romantics, so the setting counts. A scene with a bottle of their favorite wine, fresh flowers, and candlelight helps get Pisces natives in the mood for love. Reading them poetry won’t hurt either.

Pisces Love Language

Pisces natives are shy and quiet and, as a rule, they prefer to spend their time listening than talking. When they ask their partner, “How was your day,” they really want to know. They will listen intently and compassionately. Pisces natives also offer up a soft, understanding shoulder to cry on, or can be an excellent sounding board. They are also very intuitive, so they often sense or know what their partner is going to say before they even say it. They are very in tune with body language, other nonverbal signals, and are receptive to alternate ways of communicating with their partners.

Pisces natives usually have a soft, gentle voice, and they rarely raise it unless they have no other choice. If they feel like they aren’t being heard, they’ll likely retreat before they’ll start yelling. This can be frustrating to a partner who wants to hash out the details of a disagreement, but if your Pisces isn’t in the mood for a heated discussion, there won’t be one. The Two Fish are masters at withdrawing into themselves, so far that no one can reach them once they don’t want to be reached.

Pisces Sex

Sex with a dreamy Pisces can be a romantic, emotional experience that you’ll never forget if you allow it to be. Pisces natives are excellent at seducing people with their shy, romantic ways. They not only talk a good game, but follow it up with action (especially when they can sense that there’s a potential for more than just a physical connection).

Pisces natives don’t usually go one for one-night stands, as they crave a more intimate emotional connection with a sexual partner than they can get during a brief encounter. (However, they are represented by the Two Fish swimming in opposite directions, so let’s not say one-night stands are completely off the table.) They are generally old-fashioned and like to be pursued and seduced over the long-term. They possess a shyness that usually prevents them from making the first move.

A big turnoff for a Pisces is someone who’s loud, rude, and obnoxious.  And someone who treats other people poorly? Think again. While they can be naïve on certain levels, Pisces natives also have the ability to see into people’s souls. If there’s someone pretending to cover up who they truly are, a Pisces’ intuition can usually uncover it instantly.

Pisces Worst Matches

Aries: As an impulsive fire sign, Aries is full speed ahead. Pisces likes to wade in slowly and fully explore what they might be getting into. There is a basic, mutual lack of understanding that can lead to general mistrust, which doesn’t work for sensitive Pisces. Aries is independent, while Pisces is co-dependent. Outgoing Aries has a lot of trouble relating to the Two Fish’s introverted ways.

Gemini: Emotional Pisces has a hard time grasping Gemini’s airy approach to life, and vice versa. There is a lot of creative potential in this union, but it’s hard to define a sustainable emotional connection. One of the weak spots: trust. Gemini natives likes their freedom and aren’t always forthcoming about where they’ve been, who they’ve seen, etc. Geminis also like to play mind games, which Pisces natives aren’t typically into. A Gemini’s basic personality can mess with a Pisces’ sensitive side and lower their self-image, which causes nothing but trouble in the long-term.

Libra: On the surface, as light air and heavy water signs, these two appear to have very little in common. Libra is looking for someone who’s bold and confident, while Pisces wants a partner who is gentle, compassionate, and emotionally aware. Neither person likes a lot of aggressiveness or roughness, which is fine, but neither is likely to be the initiator either. This creates the main issue: If there is interest, who will initiate and take it to the next level?

Pisces Love Compatibility

Cancer: These two love to dream together, create masterpieces and imagine all of the possible “what ifs” that their relationship can one day manifest. They can both put on their rose-colored glasses, and easily get lost in an idealized world. This pairing is excellent at shutting out the rest of the world while they create their happily-ever-after with just the two of them.

Scorpio: When a Pisces falls in love with a Scorpio, it’s one emotional rollercoaster ride. Often thought of as “meant to be,” there can be an unbreakable psychic force between the two of them that is unparalleled with any other two signs. The chemistry when they meet is undeniable, and love at first sight is often mentioned when they’re retelling how they met.

Pisces: You have the “opposites attract” theory—and then there’s these two. As with all same-sign couples, these two really get each other, but they also have the ability to connect on an emotional level that even other same-sign couples don’t understand. Once they decide to form a union, this pairing jumps into the deep end together. For better or for worse, they aren’t easily torn apart.

Pisces Love

In the beginning… Pisces has a reputation for forming emotional attachments easily and can be impetuous at times. Contrary to popular belief, it takes much more to advance things to the next level. Pisces natives are looking for someone to dream and create with. Due to their sensitive and positive nature, they want a true soulmate for the long-term.

When things are going well… When Pisces natives find their soulmate and things are going well, they are truly and 100 percent committed to making things work. When they feel they’ve found “the one,” they want nothing more than to build a special place, where the two of them can live together in peace and harmony and shut out the rest of the world. There isn’t a lot of logic surrounding the situation when a Pisces falls in love.

When things are on the rocks… When times get tough, Pisces natives tend to withdraw, but their commitment level rarely does. Generally, they won’t stray physically, and will most likely remain committed to their partner. But don’t withhold all of the physical cuddling, or a Pisces’ dark side might surface. Pisces aren’t big on making decisions, so they might stay in limbo for a while, deciding whether or not they made the right choice.

Pisces Numerology

Pisces’ ruling planet is Neptune (in modern astrology), which is represented by the number seven in numerology. Seven people are seekers, thinkers, and searchers of truth, and they don’t like to take anything at face value. These are the dreamers who know that there is much more to life than what we see on the surface. They are ready to explore the reality that is hidden in our subconscious.

A person who is represented by the number seven is usually easy to pick out in a crowd. This type of person will be the one standing back, observing. They aren’t ever truly comfortable in social situations, even when they know the majority of the people around them.

Sevens live in their heads and are often intellectual types, but they don’t always say what’s on their mind, especially in a group setting. As dreamers and explorers, seven people prefer to live in their own minds. Many seven people become interested in the spiritual/metaphysical world, and want to believe in higher powers, parallel universes, ghosts, and other things that are hard to prove.

Pisces Element

Pisces is the third water sign, and like Cancer and Scorpio before them, its ruled by emotions and feelings. As with all water signs, there are undercurrents you will need to be aware of and pay attention to. Overall, Pisces is the least turbulent of the water signs and, as a mutable water sign, it’s fairly easy to navigate this zodiac sign’s emotional waves.