The body parts often ruled by Sagittarius are the liver, hips, and thighs. Thanks to years of sports or too much hiking, they’re prone to injury in their thighs—such as torn ACLs or a ripped meniscus.
Sagittarius needs to make sure they aren’t going too hard while out and about traveling, especially as they get older. Since they have sensitive livers, they have a hard time metabolizing alcohol. Thus, making drinking less a part of the travel experience is necessary.
Additionally, Sagittarians need to make regular exercise a consistent part of their practice. Things that stretch and lengthen as well as build strength, especially for their legs. It doesn’t need to be super high impact, but it should be something that keeps the energy moving through their bodies and builds strength to those areas that are weakest.
Sagittarians have great money mojo thanks to their planetary ruler, Jupiter. They always seem to come up with the cash they need when they need it. This is good because they can spend it like it’s no one’s businesses.
Even when they have a decent job that helps provide a great income, the gap between what comes in and what they spend is often quite large.
The good news is that Jupiter also gives Sagittarius a very optimistic nature. Sag is always in touch with the silver lining of any situation and this optimism helps them stay rooted in the belief that something good is right around the corner. Jupiter helps them manifest what they focus on most so, often, the solution to their issue is quick to arrive.
Ultimately, money is merely a means to an end for this sign. Money represents freedom and gives them access to the ability to roam as they wish. It allows them to travel the world and experience new adventures.
Just like some of their fellow fire signs, many of the traits that make Sagittarius a favorite can equally make them the ones you love to hate.
Unreliable (sometimes): Sagittarians are reliable at work. But for them, work is a means to an end—so, they can still show some of their less than reliable traits in the workplace.
Not a Team Player: On a less dramatic level, Sagittarius is not always good at working with a team. Should they have a task they need to complete, suddenly a chance to travel comes up… and they will choose the travel.
Poor Planner: Planning ahead is a major issue for Sagittarians. They fly by the seat of their pants and consequently, this can cause some trouble in the workplace.
Inconsiderate of Others’ Time: Whether it’s small favors for tasks that Sag just finds way too banal for them to handle or asking a coworker to cover for them, Sag really puts those around them through their paces.
Impatient: Sagittarius is notoriously impatient, especially if you are holding them up in some way.
Brutally Honest: Since Sagittarius is so candid, they can sometimes rub those in charge.
Sagittarians excel in jobs that allow them freedom of expression, room to roam, and the chance to guide others with their vast experience and travel knowledge.
Archeologist: What self-respecting Sagittarius wouldn’t want to be paid to be a real-life, Indiana Jones? This is a career that would give Sagittarius a great deal of freedom—answering to very few on a not so frequent basis.
Philosophy Teacher: With all that traveling and learning about ancient tribes and civilizations, what does one do with this vast amount of experience and wisdom? In some cases, Sagittarius may want to become a teacher. In particular, philosophy and theology would be wonderful topics for Sagittarius to guide others within. (But in truth, any topic related to ancient civilizations would be perfect.)
Architect: When it comes to being an architect, one needs creativity in spades, a willingness to travel, and the type of visionary skills to see something before it actually becomes a reality. They also need to know the difference of genres over centuries (from American gothic and mid-century) which, again, gives Sagittarius the opportunity to learn and explore.
Sagittarius is pretty blunt and to the point—though emotional waters can be a bit tricky for them. Most times they will just tell you they’re not feeling it and suggest that the two of you go your separate ways. They don’t always make a grand display of a breakup. Even if you’ve been together for years, a Sag will just say it’s over and expect you to pack your bags or have theirs packed and already by the door.
They can appear quite callous when they do this typically because, for them, once they say it’s over, it’s over.
While they may come back to grovel, they may also come back to lick their wounds. And because you’ll be so elated that they returned, you’ll feel a sense of comfort, at least for a moment. The issue, if this is the case, is that the likelihood of their doing the same thing to you again is pretty strong.
During… Sagittarians tend to have a very weird reaction to breakups. First, if they’re the one who was dumped, they will be a little peeved they didn’t come up with the idea first. Like all fire signs, they want to be the one doing the dumping rather than having their ego bruised by being the one dumped.
After the breakup… Sometimes they will go into full stalker mode. We’re talking numerous texts, showing up at your house at all hours of the night… But if you’re truly done, despite the ways in which they may push those emotional buttons, you’ll want to make sure you do not engage. If you give them an inch, a Sagittarius will take a mile.
Long-term… Thankfully, this sign tends to bounce back rather easily. While there may be a period of some pretty serious emotional turmoil and wacky behavior from Sagittarius, eventually they will find another adventure or person to distract themselves with.
Sagittarius breakup secret… Don’t expect to be friends after. Sags will do their best to stay as clear from you as is possible.
Though everyone loves to be friends with Sagittarius, not everyone can take being romantically involved with Sagittarius.
Pisces: Pisces is far too emotionally needy to handle Sag’s desire for alone time. Pisces will grow from sad to bitter and will try to use other people to make Sagittarius jealous.
Virgo: Virgo is equally an awful match for Sagittarius. This sign needs security and routine—something Sag surely won’t provide. Sagittarius will want Virgo to join them on their wild adventures and homey, predictable Virgo would rather hold their breath until they’re blue in the face than fly from one place to the other.
Taurus: These two will trigger one another constantly. Not only does Taurus want someone who is just as a homebody as they are, but Sagittarius would fail to notice things that Taurus needs.
Capricorn: Finally, we have Capricorn. As the “grown up” of the zodiac, Cap would become rather bored with what they perceive as Sag’s childlike ways.
Just because there are many signs that can’t get on board with Sagittarius doesn’t mean there are not those who are totally here for them.
Aquarius: Aquarius and Sagittarius actually have a lot in common when it comes to their broader views on life and spirituality. They are each big thinkers who need to understand the world.
Aries: These two signs have a rather “loosey goosey” type of attitude towards love and relationships. In this partnership, they’ll each have the room to explore what life has to offer without curiosity impacting the connection. They will likely keep things undefined, without a label.
Leo: Perhaps the best match for Sagittarius is Leo. This fellow fire sign gets along quite well with fun loving Sagittarius. They each just want to seek out the pleasure and enjoyment that this life has to offer and have no trouble with using any resource at their disposal in order to make it happen.
Along with Leo and Aries, Sagittarius is ruled by the element of fire—giving this sign its “get up and go” mentality that has them jaunting off from one adventure to another. But unlike the other fire signs, Sagittarius is the most gentle expression of this element.
Sagittarius is a happy-go-lucky and optimistic—albeit deep, cultured, and philosophical—zodiac sign. Thus, it’s only natural that it should be paired with the equally philosophical Temperance card in the Tarot deck—the sixteenth card in the Major Arcana.
Temperance is generally depicted as an angel who stands by a stream with one foot in the water and one foot on land. The angel holds two cups, pouring water between the both. This is meant to represent the flow of day-to-day life, without too much pressure placed on any one thing. So, it’s not hard to see why fluid Temperance is associated with Sagittarius, one of the most easygoing and impulsive (perhaps even flakey) signs.
The last way we can connect Temperance and Sagittarius is their mutual attention to philosophical pursuits. Like Sagittarius, the angel in the tarot card seeks the ability to keep an open mind before heading off to a new journey in a faraway land.