Cancer: A Scorpio and Cancer match super high in love compatibility. When two water signs come together in a love relationship, the foundation will be rooted in deep devotion and loyalty to the other. These two understand each other very well, and can work together as a team to capitalize on the other’s strengths. This union can be long-lasting and intense for both partners. This pairing will feel the “meant to be” aspect of this relationship.
Scorpio: This pairing has the ultimate chance to be the most intense paring of any two zodiac signs. When two fixed water signs get together, there is an intense psychic connection that is based on a deep intuitive understanding of each other. The best qualities of both partners can be enhanced in this relationship. Loyalty, sexual compatibility, and commitment are all important matters to this devoted and emotional sign.
Pisces: When these water signs fall in love—bring on the feels. Scorpio’s fixed sign joining forces with Pisces’ mutable energy is a double whammy of devotion and psychic connection. This type of energy is irresistible to both signs. This is a relationship that often begins with love at first sight and ends in happily ever after. When these two signs’ instincts and intuition point them toward the other—there’s no stopping the love!
In the beginning… When Scorpio likes someone, it might not always be obvious. Scorpios are excellent at bluffing about their feelings on the outside. (Even though they might be burning intensely for someone on the inside!) So, you might initially think that a Scorpio is out of reach and almost let them go—but then this zodiac sign does something to pull you back in!
When things are going well… Scorpio is one of the most loyal signs around. If they’re in a relationship that’s going well, they won’t even think about straying. They will give it back to you 100 percent, but first they need to know it’s mutual. As a fixed sign, Scorpio is an excellent long-term companion, who wants nothing more than for their love life to be safe and secure. When they feel that it is, their commitment is unwavering.
When things are on the rocks… When things with Scorpio are good, they’re very good. But when they’re bad…watch out! There are a lot of things that can go wrong in any given relationship, but it’s likely that jealousy might be one of the biggest factors. Scorpios like to get their revenge when they’re wronged and can hold a grudge for eternity. As soon as they feel like they’ve been disrespected in any way, you never know what they’ll do to “get back” at the person who’s wronged them.
We’ve already established that Scorpio is a special sign, and that fact is made all the more obvious by the fact that Scorpio is one of only a handful of signs that has more than one ruler. Co-ruled by powerful Mars and transformative Pluto, it’s easy to see why Scorpio is so mysterious and easily misunderstood.
Mars is Scorpio’s traditional ruler, and its influence is an aggressive, forceful one. Although most Scorpios can relate much more to being ruled by Pluto, Mars has its influence, as well. What do Scorpios get from Mars? The tendency to want to be in charge, for one. Leadership and motivation are closely associated with Mars’ energy, which have an obvious effect on Scorpios.
Pluto is Scorpio’s modern ruler, and the planet many Scorpios relate to most. Pluto is closely associated with death and transformation. Although this is the smallest ruling planet, Pluto has a big astrological influence on Scorpio. This dark planet feeds Scorpio’s curiosity for all things mysterious, and because of this rulership, Scorpios are intensely curious about the deepest parts of the human soul.
Scorpio rules over the eighth house, which is most often referred to as the house of sex, death, and inheritance. This house rules over all things considered to be sexually taboo, sexual impulses, primitive and base instincts and urges, but also sex in the more intimate sense.
This house delves deep into the nature of sexual relationships, specifically how we interact and how those interactions affect us in a greater sense. It helps us get the most out of these relationships by exploring the deep emotional undercurrents that exist between people who care about each other.
The eighth house is also closely associated with the unknown, including all aspects of death, and attempts to guide us in situations where we feel we have no control (like when someone we care about dies). Control is lost when we have no explanation for what’s happening around us. This explains part of Scorpios’ deep-seated curiosity to know everything—the more they know, the more they feel they are in control.
Ah, is it any wonder why the most intense zodiac sign is also associated with one of the most intense cards? While many people fear the Death card (and Scorpios, too, probably), it isn’t as scary as it looks. In fact, because it represents evolution, Death indicates that new beginnings are on the way.
In Tarot, Death is typically pictured as a skeleton dressed in black armor, riding a white horse. The skeleton represents the parts of us that are left after death and the armor signifies strength to move forward. Basically, this tarot card suggests that even after the worst disaster, there’s always something leftover to work with and grow from. Thus, Death doesn’t always mean “the end” of something.
With such a beautiful perspective on endings, this card really speaks to Scorpio’s keen interest in all things dark, mysterious, and even morbid. Ruled by the transformative eighth house, Scorpio constantly seeks to find the ultimate truth—the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly—so it can use that information to find something beautiful within.
Numerology and astrology are closely related, and each planetary body is linked with a number between one and nine. Scorpio is co-ruled by Mars, which is assigned the number nine and Pluto, which is linked with zero. Therefore, when combined, Scorpio’ official numerology number is nine.
According to Numerology, nine people are fighters. They often have difficulty early in life, but with their inner strength and determination they can overcome the obstacles they’re faced with and become extremely successful in life.
Not ones to easily give up, nine people are usually obvious to spot by their independent and masculine nature. They’re the ones working beside you who won’t give up no matter what the uphill battle brings. Yes, they can be quick to judge, impulsive, and have a quick temper. It’s worth noting, they usually only show this side of themselves when they feel they’re backed into a corner and have no other way out.
As a water sign, Scorpio is ruled and driven by emotions. Perhaps the most profound of the water signs, Scorpio is the definition of “still waters run deep.” What’s going on above the surface is rarely an indication of what’s going on underneath. This is especially true in Scorpio’s complicated heart and mind. To truly understand watery Scorpio is similar to trying to understand the depths of the ocean—even after having been explored for millions of years, ocean explorers still haven’t found out even a fraction of what there is to know!
Scorpio season, which runs from October 23 to November 22, is a time for going deep within and taking a good look at what skeletons we’ve got in our closets. Scorpio is not afraid of the shadowy spaces where our inner monsters reside. In fact, this zodiac sign enjoys finding them and inviting them to play. Scorpios love exploring those impulses we all have until, when you least expect it, they rear their head.
Do you snap when your S.O. doesn’t answer his or her phone? Do you have a tendency to become jealous when someone from your squad gets a new promotion? That’s Scorpio season talking.
But more than just cause drama, Scorpio season is also a great time to make some changes in your life. We all undergo mini or sometimes rather massive life transformations during Scorpio season. Scorpio rules death, but also rebirth! That can mean while many of you will be releasing something during Scorpio season, it’s soon followed by a new opportunity: a door that opens.