Virgo, the Pet Whisperer

Your hidden talent, Virgo…

You’re a bit shy, and you aren’t one to broadcast your emotions, and that can sometimes make you seem cold or snobbish. You know you aren’t, but what to do? Small pets are associated with your sign, and one could be a boon to your social life. Studies show that owning a pet can buoy spirits, alleviate stress, and improve social skills. In addition to talking to Fido or Tweety, you might find yourself opening up to people at the dog park or starting a conversation with a fellow bird owner at the pet shop!

You’re the Career Pro, Virgo!

Any job is worth doing… Virgo style!

You are career-oriented and ambitious, but maybe not as interested in clawing your way to the top as some other signs. What concerns you more is getting the job—any job—done right and earning some well-deserved praise. Your mile-long to-do list isn’t drudgery—you consider it fun! All that attention to the nuts and bolts is helped by your discipline and focus. Instead of bouncing from task to task, you can block out distractions and knuckle down, and this ability serves you well in every aspect of your life!

Want to Try Forest Bathing, Virgo?

Try this refresher for the Virgo soul…

What is the perfect diversion for this overworked warth sign? A walk in the woods. And not just any stroll, but shinrin-yoku, or “forest bathing”. The practice that started in Japan in the 1980s requires participants to use all five senses to engage mindfully with nature. Leave the cell phone at home—some walks are done in complete silence. As you breathe deeply you begin to notice the texture of trees, the smell of flowers, the crunch of stones underfoot. And the health benefits are real. Stress dissipates, blood pressure drops, even white-blood-cell counts increase! If you don’t live near a forest, there’s evidence that just looking at the trees outside your window can help!

Loosen Up, Virgo!

It might just be worth it…

Virgo is a mutable earth sign, so while you’re cautious and efficient, you aren’t so firmly rooted (like Taurus) that you can’t make a few adjustments now and then. You’re sensible and reserved, but that just means that you aren’t about to do anything stupid! That doesn’t mean you can’t loosen up a bit. The one inescapable thing about life is that things change. If you can’t grow and adapt, you grow stale and stuck. Try to do a few things to broaden your horizon—nothing huge! Go to a soiree where you don’t know everyone. Wear a new clothing style. Soon you’ll see that change can enrich your life!

Take the Long Way, Virgo

Forget about “Point A to Point B”…

What’s the shortest distance between two points? Whichever way a Virgo decides to go! You are the efficiency expert, the frugality guru, the speed demon, but could you perhaps be missing some of the scenery on your way to get from start to finish in the most economical way possible? Stop and take in the bigger picture. Enjoy the view. Jettison any excess baggage, including tasks or responsibilities you’ve picked up along the way. Stretch your legs. With some newfound perspective you might even be able to stop worrying about details that aren’t really important!

Virgo Smarts, Your Weapon

Why you’re the smartest of all signs…

Anyone who thinks Mercury-ruled Virgo isn’t smart clearly isn’t playing with a full deck! Your logic, memory for facts and figures, clarity of thinking, and analytical ability are unsurpassed. Intellectually curious and articulate, you also have a quick wit and can tell a joke better than most, but it will never be at the expense of someone else. Your ability to focus your agile mind on the task at hand is one of the things that set you apart from the dreamier or more scattered signs. And you’re modest and selfless to boot!

Tune Into Your Emotions, Virgo

Virgo, those things are called emotions…

When you’re angry or jealous you may be able to convince yourself that you aren’t, but why stuff it inside?  Try examining how you feel instead. Moods are messy and they don’t conform to rules. But you aren’t Mr. Spock. You can’t live your entire life by the rules of logic and discipline, not if you want to live with other humans. Stuff happens, so take a lesson from Pisces or Cancer and temper that chilly logic just a bit. Get in touch with your emotions instead of analyzing them. It might even help you worry less!

Perfect, Virgo Can’t Help It!

What others may not know about Virgo’s perfection…

Everyone knows Virgo loves a job well done. That’s why they bring you their thorniest problems and trickiest issues and most detailed projects. They know they can depend on you to do it and do it right. They might be surprised to find out that beneath that cool, calm, analytical demeanor beats a tender, sensitive heart! You feel very deeply, even if you aren’t sending every thought into the twit-o-sphere. And while you’re scrutinizing everyone else’s work they should know that you’re just as–if not more–hard on yourself!

Virgo’s No. 1 Priority

Add “relaxing” to the to-do list…

Mercury rules Virgo, which means you tend to live in your head, always thinking about how to do something better, faster, more proficiently. Unfortunately, that can make you something of a nitpicker and worrier, which isn’t so pleasant to be around! Indulge yourself in a little “me time”. The chores can wait! Distract yourself with something physical. Go for a walk, do some gardening, exercise, or help someone else clean out their garage—you know how you like to help! Crank up some music and forget about the daily grind for a change. That to-do list will still be there when you get back!

Ready, Set, Play, Virgo!

What you need in your life, Virgo…

Your earthy, Mercurial nature pretty much guarantees that you’ll never be an airy free spirit like Gemini. But that doesn’t mean you can’t infuse a little more play into your life! Acting like a kid is a great stress reliever—it’s been scientifically proven, which should impress you! Playful people (as opposed to more serious types) perceive less stress, and when they encounter it, handle it better. Playful people look on the positive side of things and meet anxiety-prone situations with humor. They also seek support from others and find something fun to do to take their mind off their woes. Sounds like good advice!