Virgo Is the Ideal Employee

You take the professional gold medal…

It’s hard to see how businesses could survive if there were no Virgos. They may not be CEO (they’re probably happier leaving that to Leo), but these organized, modest workers are merrily toiling behind the scenes. They’re the ones minding the minutiae and making sure the whole shebang is running smoothly. Virgos can multitask like nobody’s business. And the boss will be happy about that perfectionist streak when it comes to any of those final presentations or deliverables. You’re happiest when the orders are clear, operations efficient, and guidelines simple. Leave the chaos to Gemini!

‘Too Busy’ for Love, Virgo?

You need to get busy somewhere else…

You say that you want a relationship, but do your actions match your words? You may be so focused on your job or a favorite pastime that you aren’t really devoting all that much time to looking for a mate. Perhaps it has something to do with your love of control. At work, you’re in command. On the dating scene, who knows what could happen! Or you’re so involved in rewriting your latest report that you don’t even come up for air until midnight. Redirect some of that passion, determination, and effort to looking for love!

Making Decisions Virgo Style

Don’t shy away from these…

They don’t come up often, but big decisions can throw you for a loop if you don’t know how to face them. Plus, you’re so practical, methodical, and critical that you could dither until the opportunity passes you by or the choice gets made for you. Before that happens to you, think about your choices. Which one will you regret five or ten years in the future? Your innate caution could steer you away from a risky-looking venture, but sometimes those turn out to be the most rewarding. Rather than regret a failure, you could wind up regretting the chance not taken. Which will it be?

First Impressions Matter, Virgo

Want the job, Virgo? Avoid doing this…

You’re always analyzing and critiquing. You can’t help it—it’s just the way you are! The people who know you are probably used to it and no doubt welcome (most of) your helpful suggestions. But if you’re seeking a job, you might want to keep your opinions to yourself until asked. Don’t use a cover letter to detail the failings of the company’s website or their latest marketing campaign. Would you tell a stranger how to cut her hair? Okay, maybe you would, but if you want that job, land it before you tell them how to improve things!

Virgo’s Sartorial Style

Virgo’s unique style preferences…

You know that attention to detail you bring to your work? It also shows up in the clothes you wear. Never gaudy or tasteless, your pieces are well-made and neat, but not prim or stiff. Even your business attire has to be comfortable! Natural fabrics and earth tones complement you, as do pastel shades. Show off your beautiful skin in sleeveless dresses and tops in terra-cotta, green, or ecru, or a leafy print. An elegant watch, classic mules, and sleek hair will help you look polished and elegant.

Just Breathe Virgo

Take a few seconds to slow down…

There is something you do some 14,000 to 25,000 times a day that you don’t even think about. Breathing! It’s surprisingly complex, and chances are, you’re doing it wrong! I know, hard for Virgo to believe! Most people take shallow breaths that fill only the upper part of the lungs. But deep breaths through your nose that you exhale quickly and forcefully can increase energy and clear the mind, and what Virgo wouldn’t want that? Try taking a one- or two-minute deep-breathing break several times a day and see if you don’t feel better!

Go Gray for the Day, Virgo!

This color helps you stand out, Virgo…

Gray is associated with Virgo. It might call to mind great-grandmother’s hair or a cloudy day, but it’s far from dull or gloomy. Gray can be dramatic or serene. Pearly gray nail polish is new, sophisticated, and just right for the office. Muted, stone-colored walls provide just the right backdrop for accents of green or peach. Charcoal-colored chalkboard paint turns any wall into a practical writing surface for lists and calendars (perfect for an organized Virgo). Even the garden can go gray. Shimmery silver plants from white to metallic blue include drought-tolerant succulents like agave. Try to add some gray into your everyday!

Straighten Up, Virgo!

Perfecting your posture…

If you’re not a professional ballet dancer, chances are good that your posture could use a little tune-up. It’s surprising how much better you can feel when you stand up straight—taller, even lighter, too! Assess your stance by having a friend photograph you—front, back, side—standing naturally. Are your shoulders and hips aligned? Are your head and neck directly above your shoulders? From the side, is your ear is aligned with your shoulder? To help correct slouch when you sit for long periods, take a few minutes every hour to get up and stretch your back, neck, and shoulders to relax those muscles. It will help keep your body from falling into bad habits!

Finding Virgo’s Dream Career

You might be looking in the wrong places…

You’re articulate and logical, and your attention to detail is unmatched. Nothing escapes your critical eye because you always want things to be better, whether they’re systems, projects, or yourself. Any career that taps your verbal abilities, analytical mind, and perfectionism would suit you to a T (which you would never forget to cross). Set aside the practicalities for a moment and do something a bit out of character. Listen to your heart. What stirs your soul? Forty years from now, what will you wish you had done? That’s your new career goal.

Work for a Virgo Boss?

Tips for working under this type of boss…

These exacting bosses can be taskmasters. You’ll hear about it if you misuse a semicolon on page ten of your report! Rest assured that they are just as hard on themselves as they are on you. (No, really!) Still, you’d better look—and be—sharp, stay on your toes, toe the line, and follow the rules if you want to stay on his or her A list. If you need guidance, all you have to do is ask. Unlike some other signs, the Virgo boss is happy to offer advice and clarification. It’s way better than receiving work that doesn’t measure up!