Everything in its place, the Virgo way…
Your home is clean and orderly. Workspaces are practical and tidy. If there’s a mess, it’s organized! It might look like clutter to someone else, but you can find what you need in an instant. Furnishings are finely crafted and simple, like sleek Scandinavian chairs—no florid dust ruffles here. You prefer neutral colors and earth tones—fawn, taupe, sand, grass, maple—bathed in plenty of natural light. To keep things interesting, you can add natural accents of fun twigs or pinecones as well as pops of brightly colored flowers and handmade craft items.
Love your gut, Virgo!
Virgos are, by nature, interested in good health, and as such, you’re a conscientious (not to say fussy) eater. Because you also tend to worry, you can be prone to digestive woes and ulcers. When you’re tense, blood flow redirects from gut to brain, which can cause cramps and other unpleasant symptoms. Relax with deep-belly breathing and daily exercise. Keep your intestinal tract healthy by drinking lots of water and eating probiotics and plenty of fiber. Fiber feeds the “good” bacteria in your gut and helps reduce the risk of diabetes, asthma, colon cancer, and allergies!
Virgo’s top Feng Shui…
Mercury is associated with Virgo. A silvery liquid at room temperature, this metal is beautiful, magical, and highly toxic. Other than old-fashioned thermometers, you wouldn’t want it in your home! You can still use the same gleaming accent minus the danger. Mercury glass, or silvered glass, was created in the 19th century as an inexpensive silver substitute containing neither mercury nor silver. You can find vases, candlesticks, Christmas ornaments, and more in antique shops and flea markets, or make your own faux version by spraying mirror paint inside clear glass vases!
Get in touch with your stone…
Sapphires may not be able to cure eye ailments, improve moods, increase intelligence, or repel snakes (as legend has it), but your birthstone’s rich beauty is unmatched! While blue is the color that most often comes to mind, this gem is also found in colors from yellow to purple. Sapphires come from around the world, but the Yogo variety is mined in Montana. Adorn a slender chain or pair of hoop earrings with beads made of raw Montana sapphires for a unique and personal accessory guaranteed to raise your spirits!
Why you need to breathe a bit more…
You’re not a perfectionist. You just can’t stop looking for (and finding and suggesting) ways to make things (and people and life) better. Just keep telling yourself that! What sounds like a reasonable suggestion in your head could sound like nagging to another. Your gentle admonishments could come across as rankling demands. We know it’s only because you want others to be all they can be, but unless you’re a recruiter for the U.S. Army, it might come off a bit aggressive and condescending. Cut people a bit more slack. They’re only human!
Know any perfectionists? They might be Virgos! Earth sign Virgo is a logical zodiac sign driven by common sense. At surface level it might not feel like it easily links to its symbol and glyph, the discriminating Virgin, but think of it this way: As grounded perfectionists who prefer to live clean, organized, and healthy lifestyles, the service-oriented Virgin is actually a very fitting symbol for purist Virgo.
Virgos, who are ruled by communication planet Mercury, are analytical people who have strong attention to detail. They love to plan things out, and are big into cleaning, organizing, recycling, and so much more. Their routines are extremely important to them, but as a mutable sign they are open to suggestions as long as they’re given time to think about things first.
Along those same lines, Virgins are thought to be naturally mindful of the line between right and wrong—another typical Virgo trait. Virgos are also thought to be discriminating, introspective, and innocent—all Virgo traits represented by the humble Virgin, making them the perfect match for each other.
Witty, quiet, organized, and always overthinking, Virgo rising people (or Virgo ascendants), are generally rather reserved when you first meet them. There is a shyness to their personality that stems from a fear of doing or saying something wrong. Forever perfectionists, this rising sign prefers to act with precision and predict an anticipated result. (It’s safe to say surprises aren’t their thing.) This is a rising sign that lives in his or her head—analyzing situations and people meticulously before feeling comfortable enough to open up.
In astrology, Virgo rules the sixth house of health, work, wellness, and routine. A lot of Virgo risings are naturally health conscious, and sometimes to a fault. This can be a rising sign that strives for perfection in their bodies and can suffer from body dysmorphia. That sixth house energy can also manifest as a work-a-holic obsession. Virgo risings are no strangers to hard work and a detail-oriented mindset. Virgo rising people can oftentimes find that they love to get lost in their work.
Excel sheets, post-it notes, and the Container Store are what get a Virgo moon placement’s heart beating even faster. This lunar placement feels most comfortable and secure when there is some type of organized structure in place. Predictability is one of their greatest strengths and weaknesses. This lunar placement is incredibly reliable and trustworthy (a true friend to call when you need a favor), but you won’t find Virgo moon people taking risks or agreeing to last-minute plans.
Paying attention to tiny, minute, what-may-even-feel-pointless-to-you details is the key to a Virgo moon’s heart. There is a natural restless energy with this lunar placement, as Virgo is ruled by mental Mercury. When these lunar placements feel organized and like all of their ducks are in a row, they are truly able to relax (or plan out the next task on their to-do list). Virgo moon placements are prone to overthinking and anxiety. Their minds can easily spin out of control, replaying and overanalyzing any simple response or lack of response.
Virgo’s symbol is the Virgin, which allows many to mistakenly assume that Virgo is somewhat reserved. However, in ancient times, a virgin did not refer to someone who has never had sex—it meant someone who belonged to themselves. That is probably the best way to describe Virgo.
Virgos are here to make the world the world a better place through acts of service. Virgos don’t feel like themselves unless they are working—striving toward higher goals and a higher purpose. Idealist, they believe that with hard work, intellect, and drive, they can solve all the problems of the world. They will spend years honing their skills and craft, always trying to improve because good is never good enough. It can always be better.
Gifted with a quick mind that can easily process information, Virgos know how to use and share it with others. Whether it’s explaining how something works or giving you advice, it seems like Virgo has all the answers—and they usually do.
While Virgos have many great traits, here are some strengths that define Virgo when they are at their best.
Helpful: Being service-oriented, Virgo lives to help others. They’ll happily go out of their way to help someone in need. Virgos hate feeling idle and love knowing that they are contributing to making someone else’s life a little easier. Ultimately, service is their love language.
Hard-Working: As one of the hardest working zodiac signs, Virgos need to work to feel productive and useful. This zodiac sign never does anything halfway and has the drive and ambition to put in the effort to achieve any goal.
Kind: Virgos get a bad reputation for being overly critical and judgmental, but that’s just their hard, outer shell speaking. Beneath the surface, Virgos are incredibly kind, compassionate, and have the warmest hearts. They are sensitive to the pains of others—making them quite empathic.
Skillful: Being equal parts logical and creative, Virgo has a knack for developing a variety of skills and talents. Once they put their curious mind into learning something, they will study and practice it until they can do it perfectly.
Responsible: Virgo has this “adulting” thing on lock. Even as kids, Virgos acted like “mini adults”—always doing their chores, handing in their homework on time, and taking care of themselves. As an adult, Virgo is both trustworthy and dependable.